Wednesday, April 24, 2019

3.17 The Master & 3.18 Jawbreaker

Hey everyone, I missed a week due to Camp NanoWriMo, my apologies. I'll quickly run down Episode 17's and then dive into Episode 18:

The Master

B chooses the single worst person should could have asked to go undercover and infiltrate the farm:

I love Cheryl, but she was so easily manipulated by Edgar

Archie, Juggy, the serpents and Archie's jail friends raided a drug house in hopes to stop the production of Pop Fizzle Rocks. This was successful except for one for one person: Baby Teeth. Oh and Juggy walked away from this without a scratch: 


This past week saw the cult Farm gain another member, Huggy become Riverdale's resident CSI, Archie won a big boxing match while he probably killed the dude with one punch, and the Gargoyle King's next victim is selected!

First things first! Pop Fizzle Rocks are now being laced with some other life threatening drug. Archie's first big fight as gym owner is a rematch, but he had to bulk up to a higher weight lift, so Archie clogged his arteries at Pop's!

V used Pop's to sponsor his gym in a tit for tat race with frenemy Ellio, but this had #Varchie written all over it!
Just say NO!
During the fight, Archie's drugged up opponent most likely overdosed on drugs and Archie won the fight, but Hiram will probably pin the guys death on Archie some how for round 2 of that . . .

Next, B kidnapped Alice to un-brainwash her and it pretty much failed.

B realizes she's going to have to come up with a new plan, all the while, putting Evelyn in her place for making empty threats.

In the latest death from G&G/Pop Fizzle Rocks, FP calls in resident CSI, his son Juggy!

To be fair, Juggy probably has the most knowledge of this drug and the related deaths, but he was essentially playing CSI while no official one was in sight. Juggy helps FP capture Kurt, Pop Fizzle Rock extraordinaire Kurt, who made them realize the Gargoyle King has his eyes set on Jellybean!  

Finally, Cheryl is so farmie that it's not even funny:

And Cheryl was forced to give Toni an ultimatum: Join the farm with her or leave her. Toni chooses:

Which leads us to the B&T team up we've been waiting for when Toni reveals she's undercover for Betty!

That's for this week! Next week should be so fun! Until then, stay #RiverdaleStrong!

All gifs came from Riverdale Central go check them out! (I do not claim ownership over any gifs used in this blog).