Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Riverdale 3.16 Big Fun

This year we got the musical episode came in March and and I loved it. I'm a sucker for musicals since i am after all an actor too! This episode did not disappoint! I loved that we had so much #Choni and Kevin singing PLUS Cole Sprouse sing! I am totally okay if Cole and and Casey are the only males that sing in Riverdale. Just please no more Archie . . .

Okay, so this week, I thought I'd list my favorite numbers in order from my faves to my least fave! So, here goes . . .

#1 Dead Girl Walking- The Toni song, with  a side of Sweet Pea, Peaches and Cheryl is my fave. I just love everything about it and it stays in my hand the most!

#2 Candy Store- I'm not going to lie, my favorite part of the song was when she told Toni to shut up LOL

#3 Seventeen- Juggy's singing debut. Enough said.

#4 Beautiful- The opening number was great! Autotune be damned, I loved it! Plus lots of Casey Cott!

#5 Our Love is God- This song gave us a Fangs and Kevin union. I'm okay with this, but will it last after the farm. This was also lost points for Evelyn singing.

#6 Big Fun- It was just that fun, but Casey's perm!

#7 Seventeen (Reprise)- The finale was no where near exciting as last year but finally revealed Edgar and how big the farm really is.

#8 Fight For Me- Did anyone else think all the auto tune used on Archie made him sound like a robot?

#9 Lifeboat- My least favorite song about my least favorite plot point. V's parents are getting divorced.

That's all for the musical episdoe! It was lit as Juggy's old house!!! Until next time, stay #RiverdaleStrong

PS: Someone missed the stage direction that his head was suppose to be down! LOL

All gifs came from Riverdale Central Check them out!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Riverdale 3.15 American Dreams

So, this week on Riverdale, we're still expected to believe that Archie is some sort of prized fighter when he was stabbed by a kid the week before, we found out who brought the Cooper house, and celebrated the 50 for our fave serpent turned sheriff. 

Exit the Red Paladin 
So Archie had a fight club to cash in all of the kill the red paladin cards that Hiram put ion circulation. Was there any doubt that he'd win? Realistically I would he maybe could have survived 5, but not the eleven. 
Afterwards, Hiram gave him a gym for now and the whole time this scene was going on, I was practically shouting get it in writing! If the gym is Archie's he should have the deed . . . just saying . . .

#Veggie Meltdown
Reggie realized that he was nothing more than a boy toy bar hand for V this week and she acted like he should have know this the whole time. She literally told him that she was the only one who walked on water in her life. Wow. I like V, but that was too much, even for me. So, #Veggie broke up, but at least V has (somehow) made enough money to buy Reggie's car back from Gladys and almost paid her and Hiram off . . .

Mystery Owners Revealed
I probably shouldn't be as surprised as I was to find out that Gladys purchased the Cooper home. I am super glad that the fire only burned one wall and did not burn the massive home down. Would it also be weird if B did live with the Jones in her old room?

#Choni No More
ALong with #Veggie, #Chonie called it quits this week. Cheryl asked Toni to move out (they did live together way too soon) after Toni pretty much refused to revolve her life around Cheryl. After what was a spicy love scene in the speak easy, they're done for now. Which leads Cheryl to declare this year's musical will be The Heathers! (I can't wait)

The Big 5-0!
FP turned 50 this week! Gladys threw him a big party, but because she got on B's bad side, who learned why Gladys is really in Riverdale, B told Juggy all about his mama. When Juggy confronted her, show owned up to her, but warned him exposing her would send FP over the edge. So now, #Bughead has a new objective, to run Gladys out of town!!! 

End Scene

I love this show. It's so much fun! I cannot wait for this musical episode (which is coming a bit earlier this year, yeah?) I just hope they don't forget to reveal who the Gargoyle King is . . .

Until next week, stay #RiverdaleStrong!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Riverdale 3.14 Fire Walk With Me

Our first episode since Luke Perry's passing :( 

Here's are truly random thoughts I had about this episode: 

So, Archie's dropped out of high school to be a boxer . . . and everyone is okay with this? 

How would a kid sneak into a boxing gym (is this the right term?) unnoticed and then hide in a closet for . . .all day . . . of an hour or so? This was clearly planned, but still, if I'm expected to believe this place is busy enough to have Archie "help out" as the janitor, then someone would have noticed him right away! 

Archie is better suited when he's helping his friends solve the whatever the big mystery is the acting as the show's big bad. 

As long as Josie dates Archie, this means more screen time for her, which I'm all for, but are we still doing this Archie and Josie thing?

You guys know I'm ship #Choni shipper and fan. I also love me some Cheryl. But can I get a vote on who's tired of this Pretty Poison gang story?

I mean they helped V in the end, but I'm over it.

Also over the whole gang thing as a whole. I'm not sure what Juggy expected when he took over. A gang that helps the community is a great ideal in theory. I'm not sure the Serpents have ever been this and nothing more. Steps were taken in the right direction by deputizing them, so maybe they can turn things around. But I'm still tired of the gang wars. 

If you didn't catch it before, V and Reggie are caught in the middle of the start of Hiram's mob war with Gladys. 

Finally, Betty should have punched both Kevin and Evelyn in the face. Just punch them! Alice and Kevin have been brainwashed (I'm so sad he couldn't get a better storyline then literally thrown into the farm- at least we got to see B try to save him). I'm conflicted about B burning her house. I'm hoping she did just enough damage to stop the sale. If she burned down the whole house, then she really just hurt herself. 

At the end of the episode, we saw Luke Perry for a hot minute after the kid turned on Archie and nearly killed him (just LOL at Archie being slashed by a kid).

That's all for this week. I'm not sure if the halt in production will interrupt our viewing schedule. I hope not, but i also don't know how many more times we get to see Luke Perry as Fred. Until next time, stay #RiverdaleStrong

All gifs came from Riverdale Central except the mean girl one which came from 
I do not own the gifs from either site and do not claim ownership over any of them! Go check them out!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

R.I.P Luke Perry

By now, I'm sure everyone has head of Luke Perry's passing :( 

I wanted to take moment to reflect on how the actor was known to me and then speculate what Riverdale might do without Fred Andrews.

Like many and most, as a child, I knew him better as Dylan from 90210:
I wasn't really a huge fan of the show, but enough family members watched it, so I often knew what was going because I was a kid of the 90's. I remember one story where the season finale was Dylan blowing up but when it came back on it was his father and not him. 

Then, I best recalled him in the Buffy the Vampire Movie (that predates the show)

I honestly didn't follow his career and do recall that he appeared on the 90210 (reboot/continuation) that was on the CW before the Arrowverse was a thing.
And finally, this brings us to Riverdale (remember, this my experience with him as an actor, not a career retrospective) as Fred Andrews!
I believe we all loved Fred Andrews, even when he let Archie run wild or run away. He's a single father. I'm not sure how many episodes we have left where he will appear. Sometimes he just drops in. But now the show has halted production to mourn and decide what to do about his passing as Fred is very much a part of the show. Here are the 3 directions where they can go:

Write him Off:
He could always be in the proverbial other room, never appearing on camera, only mentioned by characters when necessary. They could also write him off in the way many soap operas do patriarchs, especially the bad ones: they go to live (or escape) to another country where the character is forever escaping the law or living the best life on a deserted island. I don't think this is the best option, because why would he leave Archie? Archie isn't being written off anytime soon, but Fred could find success and open the door for Molly Ringwald to return as a main character (if the actress is willing).

Recast Him:
This might be the best option to keep the character on screen. It wouldn't be popular, but again soap operas have done this (see Passions Alister Crane who was recast when that actor passed) when the character is an central one and Fred kind of is . . . As for who, I have no idea, but this could really happen and as fan, I'd accept it.

I don't like to think about and think it would be sort of bad taste, but if they go the Glee route, they could give him a memorial episode or make it a part of the episode and never reveal the cause. Time jumps of days and weeks happen all the time in Riverdale. 

What do you think they will do? What do you hope they do? Fred 2.0? Fred rides off into the sunset? Or something else? Let me know!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Riverdale 3.13 Requiem for Walterweight

So, what do we Riverdale viewers call ourselves? Riverdale-ians? Riverdale-ites? Or of course we could always call ourselves whatever we're shipping at the moment? #Bugheaders, #Chonians, #Viggites?

Thoughts, Opinions? Anyone?

This week, Archie dived into his next pipe dream career choice as a boxer. LOL I just can't with him any more. The good thing about this is that Tom Keller is his trainer but of course in true Archie fashion, he thinks he's pro and ready to take a major fighter who is known to play dirty. 
Long story short he "holds his own" (insert eye roll) but still loses. Afterwards, he and Josie celebrate in the only way that Archie knows how: 

For anyone keeping Tally, Archie has now bedded, Grundy, V and Josie.

Juggy faced the facts that Cheryl stole all female serpents to form her Pretty Poisons gang and sought advice from Mama Jughead. When he failed to get the Ghoulies to join, Gladys did it herself. LOL This will so end well . . . 

In #Choni news, Chereyl is once again being written as straight up crazy (which she is always a little) instead of her usual kick ass residential Red Arrow vigilatnte that saves her friends and stops serial killers. I suspect a breakup of #choni soon which will lead to Toni (and the Poisons as they're called) rejoining the Serpents. 

When Hiram became rightfully suspicious of Hermoine Lodge, V covered for her because we all know Hiram would never do anything to his precious baby girl . . .

And finally, Polly nearly drowned Alice, in a Farm Ritual known as Rebirth (not my current fave reboot of the DC comics) and B saved her. Alice apparently saw the light or something and decides to sell her and B's home and give all of the money to the Farm! End Scene. 

If you blinked and missed it, Kevin also joined the Farm!

The Pretty Poisons, under the direction Cheryl beat up Sweet Pea and Fangs . . . because they could . .. 

That's all for this week. Since I'm posting this a week later, we have all heard the tragic news that Luke Perry passed away. Riverdale has suspended production for now to mourn, but also to figure out what do next. I'll make a small tribute post soon. For now, Stay #RiverdaleStrong!

All gifs came from Check them out! I do not own or claim copyright over any gifs I have used!