Wednesday, November 30, 2016

GMW 3.17 Girl Meets Hollyworld

  • Honestly, My expectations for this one are not high. I believe it be a silly Disney episode where Riley and Co. where be selected by a director to make one and done movie that may or may not make waves in NYC. Truth be told, I was not far off in my prediction.
  • The episode begins with Maya having a woman I believed was Topanga tied up in her room. Turns out it is not, it’s famous actress Anastasia Boulangerie and Maya has kidnapped her so Katy can get the role of . . . Katy in  an upcoming movie.
    Not Topanga . . .
  • Turns out Anastasia is actually Bobbie Jo, Katy’s ex BFF from childhood. This could be really cool if we’d get some great backstory about Mrs. Hunter. But we .don’t, we spend the first half of the episode halfheartedly worrying if anything serious will result in Maya’s kidnapping, the some kind of lesson about how best friends can drift apart but not if you are Riley and Maya.
    "I'm Katy Grace and I'm Bobbie Jo . . ."
  • When Riley and Maya decide to go to school (as opposed to playing kidnappers) we learn Sarah’s father is the movie director directing a script Sarah wrote, oddly based off Katy’s life, with characters based off of Lucas, Farkle and Zey. Riley and Maya are in it too, but they sit on the side without talking, lol I love that Sarah has got more story this season, but this is a tad ridiculous for my taste. (But it explains Katy going for the role of Katy).
    Sarah clearly pays more attention than I do . . .
  • Then this happened . . .
    What even, IDK . . .
  • And Topanga felt how we all feel at this point in the episode . . .
    No words needed . . .
  • And then we learned they drifted apart because of life and such and Bobbie Jo became a huge star, but they kind of kept in touch most likely by social media.
    When Facebook friends meet in real life . . .
  • So, the day of auditions happen and we learn Sarah also works at her father’s casting office or she is at least for this project.
    When your friends show up at your job and want a discount, but you ain't giving them a discount!
  • Katy auditions and gets the part, surprise, but the guys do not get the role of themselves in a funny bit.
    Sarah was not impressed . . .
  • Maya ends the episode says when she grows up she wants to be Riley’s BFF and Katy’s daughter . . . huge aspirations there and mission accomplished?

Extra Tidbits

  • Why was it bring your parent's to school day in History class, that is what he teaches, right?
    Tomorrow will be show and tell . . .
  • This show is too self aware. I usually love it when a show does this but GMW does it way too much.
  • Why are Katy and Maya still living in their run down apartment when Shawn has a nice cozy cabin in the woods, upstate? Shouldn’t they have at least upgraded? Also, where is Maya’s step-father?

It probably isn't the most popular opinion, but it's mine and I'm going to share it. I don't care if this show is renewed. I'm not super interested in it anymore and I don't really look forward to watching it. This episode was just bad for me and reassured me that I'm just not that into it this season. I know it's good tv for younger kids and families and that's really the target audience so a girl in her late 20s (me) might not find what she's looking for here anyway, but I wanted to keep watching in case they pick up that BMW vibe again. It's just not what I want. 

Girl Meets Hollyworld held some of the cornier, and not in a good way, moments I've seen so far. Maya kidnaps Anastasia Boulangerie, a famous star, so that Maya's mom can audition for a new movie (I think it was a movie) being produced by some bigshot. The bigshot is the father of one of the voiceless students in Riley and Maya's class. When Riley finds out that Maya is keeping her handcuffed to a radiator (with wheels she could literally just roll away), she has a moment.

There were so many spasms in this episode.

Eventually the girls discover the truth about Anastasia which is that she is Katy's childhood bestie, so she isn't from France like she's advertised. Katy and Anastasia catch up a bit and end up doing some jig that they put together way back when. It's hard to watch.

I can't decide what was sillier, the jig, the spasms, or Farkle Poopypants McStupidhead. Of course that was the character in this new production that was based off Farkle Minkus. There was also Dookas and Zed, hopefully you can imagine on your own where the inspiration for those characters came from. My favorite part of the episode was probably the boys auditioning for the part of themselves at the end. It was fun to watch them spill into the classroom after admitting they were not cast. Zay was especially amusing with his conversation he was supposed to be having with an agent, I assume, about only be considered as a semi regular for his part. From everything I've heard the actor playing Zay was offered a regular spot on this show before this season aired, but he turned it down requesting to be semi regular. I can't help but think that was a little joke on him and it made me chuckle. Well, another episode down. Looking at the promo for this week's Christmas episode I'm not too excited. I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. See you then.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

OUAT 6.9 Changelings

OK, OUAT you hot mess. What happened this past week? Queenie and Gold broke up, Zelena was betrayed by her evil sister and is now alone...again, Emma had tremors and visions, Charming slept, Aladdin and Jasmine were pointless, and Snow and Henry went to have their hair styled together.

First I really just want to point out how irrelevant Jasmine and Aladdin are. What is the point in that story if they aren't even going to be in the show? They cram these two in every week for about five minutes and they disappear. We know Jasmine is desperate to find her home and she is convinced that Aladdin is the only one that can help her, but Aladdin seems to give no shits about Agrabah. He finally gave up this week and put himself in that bottle and I'm certain he did it to get away from Jasmine and the Storybrook citizens.

Seriously though, look how happy he is...

I think I'm reading relief on that face too.

Speaking of Storybrook folk, what were they doing in this episode? Well, Emma and Hook were running around trying to help Belle and her baby. They were all afraid that Rumple was going to feed Belle some sort of concoction that would speed up her pregnancy so that he could steal his baby. I think. Belle was being warned the entire episode by her future son, Gideon, that their time was running out and he continued to give her vague hints until the episode was over about what to do to stop his evil father from snatching him up. Speaking of baby snatching...

Rumple's mom is a professional baby snatcher known as the Black Fairy. The flashbacks in Changelings dealt mostly with Rumple and Belle and some baby that was taken to lure Rumple's mum to him so he could reveal his identity to her. Much to his dismay, she didn't care, like, at all.

She pretended to at first, but then giggled in his face a few times and disappeared into a purple hole before he could process the abandonment. This left Belle in the clear to return the mysterious baby to Jack and Jill. Because it was their baby? I had no clue. They actually never mentioned in this episode unless I missed it, which is totally possible because this show is hardly holding my attention this season. Anyway, Belle got to save a baby back then, and she got to save her own baby from Rumple in her current situation. 

Rumple and Evil Regina alliance allowed them to work together to get Rumple and Belle's baby once it had been born. Rumple was going to force a potion down Belle's throat that would speed up her pregnancy, but Belle ended up talking him out of it. Belle drank a labor inducing timey-whimey potion anyway because Granny accidentally served it to her. Meanie Queenie somehow, most likely magically, put it in the tea she ordered, Rumple found out, and then he proceeded to the nunnery to steal his baby. With seconds left until the interception, Belle talks Blue into to taking her baby away, somewhere far and secret, to raise him. She said she was "giving him his best chance" to survive. I'm pretty sure the Charmings authored some sort of self-help series of books and the citizens of Storybrook use those things as gospel. How many times have these people quoted the Charmings? It's hilarious. 

Other than all of this excitement there wasn't much more that I took away from this episode. Emma did find the sword that she thinks kills her in the future, and Zelena and Regina had another moment where Zelena received the emotional equivalent to being kicked in the stomach, but what's new? They treat her like a dog. 

Anyway, see you next week for the winter finale where we get a ridiculous "what if" situation where Emma ends up in the enchanted forest sniffing flowers and skipping. Can't wait. I actually am kind of excited. 

  • This is my last week of NanoWrimo everyone, so next week, I will be back to normal! That said, in the near future we will be announcing and you will be seeing some changes, so stay tuned!
  • Okay, I’m not going to lie, this episode felt like a chore to me. It was a Belle episode and she is one of my least favorite characters. As I was watching, I felt like so much time had passed and the show went to commercial, I thought when they come back they’ll have like five or so minutes left to end the episode. WRONG! I was just at the halfway point, so stay with me:

  • The Upside Down from Netflix’s Stranger Things paid a visit to Storybrook this week as Belle visited the “dream world” to chat with her grown, unborn son who still looks like the knave, IMO, of course.
    "OMG, I've stepped into a better show . . ." -Belle
  • Not even Eleven could save these two . . .

  • Zelena finally ended her alliance with the Evil Queen and it only took for her evil sister to try to kill her. Why did she not fight back?
    Zelena was as tired of this episode as I was . . .
  • Lots of squid inking happened this week which is just LOL to me. Emma squid inked Gold and he, in the flashback suid inked his own mother. All I can imagine now is someone calling Ariel to swim to Ursula to get this stuff.
    "You've just been INKED!" -Emma
  • Where do I begin. How about in one scene where Belle sounded Irish and then Scottish in the next . . .
  • My feelings about this episode summed up by one picture!
    Gold was going to speed up Belle pregnancy and then decided not to, but ticked off the Evil Queen, so she did it, and thus Belle gave birth. She then promptly gave the baby to Blue to raise  and Blue and the baby flew away, hopefully for forever.
    Bye baby #Rumpelle, bye Blue, don't come back!
  • No Charming this week, as Snow stay awake for the whole episode!
  • Aladdin and Jasmine had a bit where the rubbed the lamp and Aladdin became a genie. I hope he and Jasmine finally go away back to Agrabah, where that is and are never heard from again. Side Note: these two characters were wasted this season.
    "I wish for a better story" Jasmine
  • The Black Fairy was revealed to be Rumple’s mother and I have 2 issues with this. 1. All she wanted to do was giggle at him. 2. I can’t imagine her and 15 year old Pan as a couple . . .
    "Tee-Hee, I'm your mother," the Black Fairy
  • There was way too much #CaptainSwan who found the sword Emma will be stabbed with in her visions.
    "And this will kill me, just like this storyline is doing to the show" -Emma
    Next Week is the Winter Finale where we get a What if Emma Never Became the Savior/It’s a Wonderful Life meshup! Until then!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

OUAT 6.8 I'll Be Your Mirror

The Good:
  • We had so many #SwanQueen moments this week and so little Charmings to deal with!
  • Regina and Emma trapped in the mirror land was so much fun and it’s also ironic that Regina ended up in there too. They were easily outsmarted by the evil queen because their ideal to trap her in the mirror, would have been way too easy. Then somehow, Henry  freed them and now Henry is an enemy to the evil queen as well. PS: The Dragon from New York was also trapped in the mirror, but he turned into a really cool, multi-color dragon.
  • I kind of like the team of Belle and Zelena, yes I actually like Belle in something other than a box. I also like Zelena when she she’s working against Rumple and the Evil Queen. This will be fun!

The Bad:
  • OUAT has this little habit of bringing characters back with no explanation (see Prince Phillip who was killed by a wraith and popped back up just in time crush Mulan’s feelings with Aurora- whom he impregnated- I’m never forgetting this OUAT!) This week, Violet popped back up in Storybrook with no explanation since we watched her waltz through the magical door with Merida last season. The dragon was in mirror land, even though we watched the Evil Queen crush his heart last season and it was still in tact. I hope at least the dragon (and Phillip) have stories from the Land of Untold Stories.
  • Charming and  Snow had a cute music montage of them living their lives with the new sleeping curse but doing nothing to help their current situation. I hope they are enjoying Snapchat with their forgotten baby.
  • The Evil Queen impersonated Regina and took everyone hot minute to realize this.
  • Gold and Regina continue to discuss me every time the kiss or get get within a inch from each other's faces. Ew, ew, ew, no!
  • Oh and Aladdin is the worst, noisiest thief ever. I laughed at Jasmine still harping about the missing Agrabah and Aladdin pretty much not caring.

That’s all for this week as NanoWriMo is taking over my laugh, so I apologize for no pictures. Once is off next week, so until next time!

I'll Be Your Mirror

I really kind of liked this episode. Snow and Charming are separated by the queen's curse, Emma and Regina are locked in a mirror world together, and Henry wasn't totally obnoxious. Good stuff.

Snow and Charming being cursed sounds like a bad thing, but I like it. This is the most attention their baby has received from them since it was born. And Snow was so adamant on having a normal life at the beginning of this season and this is the closest thing to normal she has experienced since the curse broke. She wakes up, goes to work, spends some time with her baby, and that's that. Of course she doesn't get to spend waking time with her hubby, but before they were always separated on missions anyway. Well sometimes they went together but whatever. I guess I'm just glad that the Charmings aren't running around being stupid and complicating situations because they do that sometimes. 

Emma and Regina were together in the mirror place and it was awesome. They needed some alone time, it's been too long. They weren't really able to do much, but I still enjoyed it. They really just had to rely on Henry this week, and thankfully he delivered. It says a lot for the teenager too because he had a date or dance or something to go to with Violet and he managed to put his mother's first. Cool, Henry. 

The evil queen is still insistent that she is Henry's mother as much as anyone and she tried to win him over once again. Once Henry figured out that Regina and Emma were stuck in a mirror, he made his way to Regina's underground magic bunker to try to figure out how to save them. The evil queen finds him there and gives him an ultimatum. He can let his mothers die, or he can smash the dragon's heart (the evil queen had put him in the mirror world a couple seasons ago) and save them. The dragon is being controlled by the evil queen so killing him would be to kill an innocent and Henry wants to find another way. He takes the magic hammer and smashes the mirror instead, saving his moms. 

The evil queen was disappointed with Henry's decision and if I remember correctly she poofed out of the bunker almost immediately. Most of this season Evil Queen has split her time between attempting to win over Henry and having sexy time with Rumple. That happened in this episode too. Ugh. It's still weird and always will be. Rumple is still kind of responding to it too. Rumple is actually really awful this season compared to his regular amounts of awful he is other seasons. I'm pretty sure Belle is fully aware of the extent of the Evil Queen/Rumple relationship and that's probably why she seems to have given up on him completely. She reached out to Zelena this week for help escaping her husband. 

Belle has a grand idea to recruit Aladdin to steal a wand that Zelena can use to open up a portal for Belle so she can escape Rumple. They get the wand but Rumple knows and he shows up just in time to stop Zelena from opening any kind of portal and he puts some cuffs on Belle so she can't hide from him. Awful. At this point I feel so sorry for Belle. She is in a terrifying relationship and no one can seem to help. 

That's really all I care to discuss/remember about this past episode. No OUAT this week, though, so I'll wait patiently for Changelings to come on November 27th. I hope some things begin to end at that point. Aladdin and Jasmine should really be wrapped up because they are barely relevant anyway. I'm kind of tired of Emma's tremors too. I want to see some progress made there. Maybe it will come soon! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

OUAT 6.7 Heartless

  • Before I begin, for those of you that do not know, I am participating in Nanowrimo this month. This is where I write a novel (50,000 words) by the end of November and on the days my schedule allows me to do this, I must write 2500 words. Why I am tell you this? Quite simply because with all of the writing I am doing, something may suffer and if I have to choose I am choosing my synopsis and reviews. Have no fear though, I should be able to a blurb each week, so it will just be different until I finish my novel at the end of November!

The Good:
-I actually liked how the plot has the Evil Queen threatening Storybrook as a whole unless she gets Snow heart. Regina very quickly figures out what she’s up to, she’ll rain water from River of Lost Souls ala season 5, unless Snow surrenders to her. She also deducts that the Evil Queen and Gold are romantically involved much to everyone’s chagrin, including myself. Let’s see some reactions:

Shocked her Bae might cheat on her


Weirded Out

And slightly in the mood now . . .

-While in the end a new curse was cast that put a twist on the sleeping spell, it is kind of LOL moment if Snow and David keep kissing each other and to take the curse away from them. I picture that like those key chains that say How do you keep an idiot busy? Turn over for answer and the backside says the same thing. I can totally see them doing that.
- Finally, Zelena and Belle both find out about Gold and the Evil Queen and Zelena was more hurt than Belle, lol!

Angry Zelena!
The Bad:
Trapped in the Closet by D. Charming

  • The was a no Snow & Charming episode. Remember, David has half of Snow’s heart and the flashback was about a meeting they had and neither knew it was the other. In present time, they surrender to the Evil Queen, and no one lifts a finger to help.
    The Untold Story of Thing, the Hand!
    Regina led them to a magic sapling that the Evil Queen magic’d away and snapped. This brings me to the most irritating thing this week: Everyone that has magic does not use it to make life any easier or to just help them in their time of need. Blue is suppose an all power fairy and rather fight hand to hand combat wearing a dress over a hula hoop!
    "What magic?" Blue asked.
    And Regina, as good as she was this episode did not magic the sapling away from the Queen before she snapped it.
  • In a land full of magic, everyone rather drive and walk around moping about problems that magic could solve! This is OUAT!

The evil queen is back, Emma's savior status is a big deal, and Snow has been put under a sleeping curse. Hello season one! We've missed you, except this time around the show isn't as good. I don't even know the point of this episode other than to remind us of the truest of loves that The Charmings have and to remind us that Emma is still in fact the savior. 

The Evil Queen is after Snow's heart and she positioned the Charmings to sacrifice themselves to save Storybrooke. If she doesn't get Snow's heart she will put a curse on them. That's pretty much THE story of this episode with very little side stories happening. A flashbacks exist in Heartless, but the purpose of that tale is to reinforce the Charming's true love and show us how they created the sapling that was created by those two. 

They find out about the sapling from Blue, the fairy, when they are brainstorming ways to take down Rumple and Evil Regina. They decide they can't stop her, but they can imprison her with the sapling Blue mentioned. The only problem is they don't know where the sapling is in Storybrooke  and they fear Rumple and Queenie might be on their case as they search for it. Regina attempts to calm those fears by admitting to the Charming clan that the alliance between Rumple and Evil Queen could be more than just business. 

No. I can't believe that. All of the flashbacks from previous season do not suggest any kind of romance between these two. The fact that they are pushing it now just annoys me. I do appreciate all of the reactions Regina got when she shared this though. 

Possibly my favorite

I see you liked those too, Shane! Honestly, probably my favorite thing about the whole episode because it didn't really get better from there. Snow, David, and Regina go searching for the sapling and find it, only to have Evil Queen show up almost immediately and crush the sapling to dust. After that, they (Snow and David) hide out in their apartment and discuss what their next plan will be. Once they decide that sacrificing themselves is the only way to save the town they give themselves up to Evil Queen. Guess what the Evil Queen does when she gets her hands on Snow and David? Well, first she tears their hearts out and makes you think she is going to crush them. Been there done that. Then, she puts the hearts back in their bodies and....are you ready for it? She puts Snow under a sleeping curse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What?! Did she really? I can't believe it. That has NEVER happened before! This is so new and crazy. I can't believe the show went there. But wait, there's more. Charming finds Snow in the forest under that tree/tanning bed thing that he found snow in episode one, and he kisses her. Snow wakes up! Whoaa! Here's the twist though, David then falls asleep. Regina concludes that one can't be awake while the other is. This show. Unbelievable. What happens next week? I don't even know. I'm just gonna wait and see.

Monday, November 7, 2016

GMW 3.16 Girl Meets Her Monster

"Girl Meets Her Monster"

What a wonderful episode. So much BMW feel. I'll admit, I was concerned when I read the synopsis and saw the previews. Disney tends to make their sneak peeks really dramatic and then once the show or movie or whatever you're watching comes on you're disappointed because there's no juice and you feel very underwhelmed. GMW has a tendency to create sillyness too, which can be great, but for this episode I wanted the argument between Topanga and Riley to be legitimate and serious. This episode delivered. 

Riley and Maya binge watch their favorite television show all weekend so that they are caught up for the upcoming finale. Topanga has to force them from the bay window on Monday morning so they do not miss class. On their way out, Topanga informs Riley that she is needed at the bakery that afternoon after school to help out. Riley, for the first time in her life, rebels. She says no. 

I love the expressions here. Everyone is shocked, even Riley herself is surprised at her response. Although, she does go with it (it = rebellious attitude) and tries to convince the world around her that her mother is a monster that doesn't appreciate or respect the things that are important to Riley. Riley thinks she is entitled to this rebellion since she has been such a good up until this point, so she attempts to stand her ground; she does not go to the bakery to help out after school. 

Uh oh, Riley. Topanga a.k.a. Godzilla grounds Riley for three weeks. I love this because I'm pretty sure up until this point Corey hasn't been taking the situation that seriously. I don't think he has put a lot of stock in Riley's rebellion since it's her first time and he's kind of joked the situation away. 

It's not until Riley threatens to move out that he realizes the extreme side that his daughter has taken. Then we get to see Topanga and Corey side by side trying to rationalize with their teen daughter. Yes please! 

It's fun, isn't it? Don't we all want to see our beloved Corey and Topanga team up to teach their daughter an actual lesson that's not too drenched in disney? One that includes fussing and arguing? I wanted this and needed it, even if it didn't last that long. Obviously Riley was going to come around eventually, and with the help of Maya she did. 

After running away to her besties house, Riley realized that she needed her parents and wanted their approval and love. A little sappy but I don't even care because this was such an amazing episode. 

And then there was Auggie. He was so appropriately used. There was no forced story that included Ava and/or Dewey that took up half of the already short episode and it was awesome! 

You know what else was awesome? Zay, Farkle, and Lucas hang out to watch that teeny bopper television show that they all like. I don't even care that we didn't get a scene watching them hangout, the trio talking about with the class the next morning and doing synchronized hand gestures was enough for me. 

I really only have good things to say about this episode. I'm not saying this was a completely perfect episode, but there were so many things I've been wanting to see and I was given those things in this episode so for me this was more than enough. I laughed again, there wasn't an overwhelming amount of cheese to cringe at, and the characters were charming throughout. Thank you, Danielle Fischel for writing and directing this episode. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. 

  • How bad is it that I am looking forward to Topanga and Riley fighting, even if it is over something ridiculous? Then, I watched this episode and I am blown away by how real and great it was! Let’s dive in!
    Teenagers . . .
  • So we begin the bay window, where Maya and Riley have been binge-watching their favorite show Red Planet Diaries all weekend long. The song reminds me of 90’s TV dramas like Dawson’s Creek. Topanga bursts in and must literally make the girls go to school. Topanga then reminds Riley she must help her out in the bakery after school, but Riley says No!
    Everyone's face when Riley goes bad . . .
    This is worse than the Cookie incident!
  • At school, Maya advises Riley to do what Topanga wants her to, but Riley is stubborn.
    Cory can't believe his perfect wife and daughter are fighting!
    Then we have classroom shenanigans with Cory playing as if the world is going to end, Sarah becoming the new Maya, and history lesson about Godzilla- yes because you know that happened. Riley is antiquated as Japan and Topanga as Godzilla, a reference that bothered me and they refer to her as Godzilla throughout the rest of the episode.
    Maya's real-life sister, Sarah becomes NuMaya!
  • After school, at the bakery, where Katy is nowhere to be seen (I guess she and sun are still honeymooning), Topanga is struggling because Riley never showed up.
    "Who's blonde and hasn't been seen since August?" Auggie referring to Katy
    Later, when Topanga confronts her, Riley states she believes she is entitled to do whatever she wants. I love this scene because Topanga makes her repeat the phrase, a lesson Riley does not get before grounding her and taking away all of her electronics.
    The is called Girl Meets World, I'm the girl!" - Riley
  • The next day, after more shenanigans at school that some how resulted in a lesson about peace talks, so Riley wants to have “peace talks” with Topanga but not apologize.
    The I'm not focused on in the episode club! Missing: Smackle.
    Riley continues to act entitled and self centered believing she should do whatever she wants because she has been a good kid. She then proceeds to Cory that Topanga knows she’s being unreasonable. Topanga finally puts Riley in her place by explaining how disrespectful she is. This results in Riley suggesting she should live under their roof anymore and a confident Topanga let’s her go. To no one’s surprise, Riley runs to Maya’s.
    "The show used to be called Boy Meets World and I was the boy!
    I never acted like this!" - Cory
  • In the last five minutes, Riley realizes how she hurt her mother, and rushes back home delivering the most honest thing Riley has said in a long time: “I surrender, I apologize. I’m sorry. I was wrong. I love you. I’m idiot.” Okay she is no idiot but this was needed in this episode. Too bad Topanga didn’t get to hear it, for she had went after Riley. When Topanga returns, they have an honest conversation about what happened and how it got that far, making up.
    Your face when you realize Cory barely dealt with Riley.
    Riley is still grounded and serves her sentence, realizing how much Topanga truly cares for her.
    Feeny taught them well!

*****Extra Tidbits*****
  • Auggie had a bit, not a B story, but a bit about how he wasn’t enough for his mother. It was funny and so true, he isn’t enough for us either.
  • When Topanga took Riley’s cell phone, she also took Maya’s. While I remember the Matthews buying it for her, I would think as someone who is as young as she is should have a cell phone on her while she is walking home . . . on the streets of NY.
    Maya was grounded to, just because!
  • I liked that Riley was grounded to the bay window because that’s literally she does, and now she take her punishment there too.
  • This was a great Topanga episode and I wish we’d get to see more of her relationship with Riley.

I honestly think this is one of the series strongest and best episodes. Sure, what they were arguing about was trivial (though Topanga should know better than depend on her 13-15 year old daughter to run the bakery while Riley should be an entitled brat), arguments between parents and teenages are usually over trivial things. While the parents can unintentionally disregard their child’s feelings, I was with Topanga all the way. I also wondered how late Riley would have had to help. This show seemed like it was a primetime call and on a school night I can’t see her Topanga keeping Riley there too late. This had sucha BMW vibe, especially end. I would love to see more episodes like this and it’s okay if all is not resolved in the ending.