Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Riverdale 3.22 Survive the Night

Holy Crap you guys, that season finale was jam packed! The real villain of the season stood up, the Gargoyle King was unmasked and I was not surprised

First, can we give it up for the true villain and mastermind this season that I did not see coming:

So, we knew something was up when a newly escaped Toni clued Penelope in on the Farm's Organ Harvesting Program, then is drugged as Penelope leaves.

Edgar was literally going to take B's brain . . . I mean Penelope saves her kind of.

Only to throw her in a demented game of her own: The Survive the Night expansion pack to G&G!

Before go any further, it is worth noting the Gargoyle King was unmasked and I guessed correctly, like I'm sure many other fans did. A red headed Chic pretending to be Jason Blossom. 

I mean couldn't Cheryl tell just a little that it's not her brother?

Speaking of our home girl, Cheryl tried again to get to Kevin and Fangs who at this point I would forget about until I saved myself. But little did Cheryl know, Mama Blossom purchased all Organs in stock . . . because brothels need organs . . .

Cheryl escapes thanks to . . . Alice! Alice steals Juniper and sends Cheryl on her way, but stays back to save lost cause Polly before the Farm All Ascends/Drinks Poisoned Kool-Aid! 

Back to the game: Each member of our core four had to complete a task:

Archie was beat up by a costumed bear thug before she bashed his brains in???

V had to play spin the bottle with her best closest friend, B and avoid drinking a poisoned Chalice, but then Penelope showed up and was like "LOL they were all poisoned!"

Juggy had to take out the Gargoyle King/ Chick-call me Jason, which he did fairly easily.

And finally, poor B had to either be shot by her serial killer father or kill him. B fired first, injuring Hal before Penelope showed up and killed him. Poor B!

Penelope sics her brainwashed goons after the four, but no worries, Red Hood Cheryl is back with a posse of Serpents and Poisons to (sans Sweet Pea) to combat them. B&V are cured and they ride off to deal with the farm.

But they only find Kevin who was left behind with piles of clothes from everyone else who "Ascended."
Now let's talk about what really happened: Edgar got Kevin so high of Pop Rocks Fizzle Rocks, put him the dark room, surrounded by laundry and then left! The Farm moved like they always do and sadly too Alice with them. Oh and Polly and Fangs are there too. 

Twist Time
Cheryl took Jason's body home because the Farm had it, I guess to let Chic play puppeteer with him when he and Cheryl visited.

Penelope got away (thank God- Best villain of the show)!

And surprise #Bughead met the real Charles, an FBI agent who was working with someone undercover in the Farm to catch them- that agent on the inside: Alice Cooper! But LOL they're all now missing. 

Hiram, from his on jail (Why?) has Hermoine arrested for his attempted murder.

And finally, while the core four vow to enjoy senior year, a flash forward to spring break hints they have killed Juggy and B orders Archie to toss the beanie into the fire while all three of them are covered in blood! OMG! (Yeah he's not dead, but still kudos to the writers!)

And now we have to wait until season 4! I really enjoyed this season, but I do dislike that we lost a lot of minor players. Ben, Dilton, Joquine, Claudius, and numerous other would be characters were killed off. Then Moose and Josie left. Maybe next season Reggie, Ethel, Kev, Fangs, Sweet Pea or the missing pussycats will get some more lines!

I can't wait until season 4! Until then Stay #RiverdaleStrong

All the gifs I used all came from Riverdale Central  Check them out!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

3.21 Riverdale The Dark Secret of Harvest House

The Gargoyl King was revealed . . . by name only . . . and I am still on the fence about this. It was a jammed packed episode so here are my random thoughts about it!

- The road to #Varchie was strong this week as V and Archie plotted to finally get back Hiram for idk take your pic: not really selling Pop's to V, framing Archie for murder, being a terrible person in general . . . so enter the FBI. #Varchie sits up an illegal gambling site on an illegal fight with a minor aka Archie (how was this not a thing before?) He falls for it and beats the crap out of Archie. Surprise, the ref doesn't stop it.

-The FBI bust the fight and essentially save Archie, arresting Hiram. Bets on Hiram being out before the end of the season finale . . .anyone?

- And when Archie wanted to make #Varchie official again, he got a surprise that I LOL'd at: Hello #Veggie

- Juggy meanwhile was chased by some of the Lord of the Fly kids mini G&G players and discovered where Ethel has been hiding all this time since we last saw B help her escape the Sisters of Mercy aka the Farm. She was in a bunker . . . like all this time . . .

- She and Juggy then search for a missing scout, which leads them to the Black Hood, in broad daylight, but don't worry, they escaped him relatively easy. 

- Finally, B, staying in the loony bin the Farm, B has a "session" with Edgar to confront Dark B who I think was played by Polly.

- She also tried to save those who did not want to be saved. We also learn Fangs had his "pain" removed by Edgar, which leads to the discovery that the Farm is harvesting organs. Maybe for Evelyn, who is on dialysis, or just for funsies of selling on the black market. 

- #Chonie believe her just in time for Cheryl to save Toni from the same fate as Kev and fangs. While they find a way out, for reasons unknown, but probably related to the big reveal of the Gargoyle King name drop, Cheryl stays and home girl was holding her own against those guards.

- But B went back for Kev and Fangs who promptly dragged her back to Edgar and now B is next to lose some organs!!!!

Now, the big reveal. Ethel name dropped Jason Blossom as the Gargoyle King! This is . . . confusing. We're pretty sure Jason was shot in the head . . . unless it was a twin!!!! Or was the whole thing a set up so Jason could take over the farm with Polly? So many questions or is it Chic in disguise pretending to be Jason? Let's hope we find out in the season finale! 

And just for LOL's the real couple of the show since season 2: 

So, that's all until the season finale and hopefully an end to the Gargoyle King! Until next time, stay #RiverdaleStrong

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Riverdale 3.20 Prom Night

Hi Riverdale Nation!

This week, the gang attended their junior Prom and I high suspect that next year's Prom episode might be the musical one based on the musical, Prom!

You guys this is our first post Luke Perry episode, however, it's not unusual for him to miss an episdoe or two, so their excuse that he's out of town is perfect, for now.

Very 1st thought: Why is Evelyn still in school?! B exposed her as way too old for a student!

Anyway . . .
I love Molly Ringwald as Archie's mom and I have always thought she should stick around! She wants what's best for Archie, but does he listen? Nooooo and does the complete wrong thing.

Also pretty sure #Varchie is unofficially back on-ew!

Why is Evelyn still in school?!

When #Choni, but really Cheryl finds out she can't run for prom queen because it's against the rules of the farm, I thought one thing:

Sexism is strong in the farm, isn't that right, Edgar?!

Back Cheryl, who drops out of the prom queen race, but finally utter a line I have been waiting to hear from her: she's tired of the farm! YES! Let's see her grand exit!

Why is Evelyn attending school Prom?

Thanks to Jellybean, #Bughead find a major clue to put them hot on the trail of the Gargoyle King, so after rigging Prom Queen, because no one else of importance is running (I bet Ethel did LOL), she is summoned by the Gargoyle King. Cue the scream 2 chase through a dark Riverdale High, littered with bodies and . . .
The return of the Black Hood!!!!

Now, Hal is supposedly dead, a fact that B did not believe until a hand was identified as Hal's, but this Black Hood as a hook and killed like three kids, and for some reason protected the Gargoyle King and tries to Kill B! Show of hands of who thinks this is a farmie imposter?

Unfortunately, B believes her father is trying to kill her and goes to warn Alice, where she accepts an invitation to stay at the farm for "safety." But some think they know the real reason why . . .

That's all of thoughts this week! Until next week, stay #RiverdaleStrong

All gifs came from Riverdale Central Check them out!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Riverdale 3.19 Fear the Reaper

Night, Day, Night, Night, Night- this is the time frame of the latest Riverdale episode, right??? By the end of the episode, the Farm managed to turn someone else, revelations happened left and right and Riverdale lost another (reoccurring) soul (or did they?)

If Archie's role seemed like a deja vu, guess what? It was! Archie was once again framed for murder and V once again came to his rescue. We're so on the road to back to #Varchie-ville Le sigh

Anyway, by hosting a fundraiser for the family of the victim, Archie is revealed to be not the jerk and killer . . . this was negated by shady facts, but it does appear he's off the hook, for now. That is until Emilio and Hiram think of another murder to frame him for. Third times the charm guys!

Josie had her swan song on Riverdale and lived to tell about! This season really has been all about ridding the show of the secondary players. Moose, Ben, Dilton, and now Josie. Reggie better watch out. I have mixed feelings on this. I'm happy the actress and character will continue elsewhere on another show, but I will miss her on Riverdale because she seems like a secondary player said new show too. For now, bye bye Josie and break a leg!

Meanwhile, Jellybean's life was in danger and so Kurt roped the remaining three Jones into playing a game of G&G and within the first five minutes of the episode, Gladys was forced to spille the beans about what she was really doing in Riverdale. Literally before the title card! That was fast!

They then had to do a few things in order to advance. First, Rob Pop's, but this time, Pop was ready!
Which led to FP being shot, not fatally and he was all like:
ANd poor Josie, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time was all like:

Next, Kutz revealed that the serpent gargoyle queen Penny was very much alive and had to duel with Gladys, who would have killed her, if Juggy had not stopped her. The duel won and Gladys injured, Juggy was left to go save Jellybean, and ended up locked in the freezer, while the Gargoul King killed Kurtz, only to discover Jellybean was fine all along. LOL By the end of the episode, his parents recovery, Galdys willingly hits the road alone and bids her family goodbye. 

Okay, so the Jone's scenes is where I was confused about the time. At first it was night when they started playing G&G. Then we see scenes that during the daytime, in Riverdale High. Cut back to the Jones family playing G&G at night. Did they literally play okay?

And finally, as always, B was working to expose the growing cult in Riverdale with the help of Tony, while taking advice from the Black Hood/her father. First she tried to rescue the twins and enlisted her aunt Penelope to help.

But the Farmies only gave up Jason Jr and Penelope ran with him!

Next she searched and exposed Evelyn:
And when she snuck in to steal her neice and warn her mom that Evelyn is 26 and actually Edgar's wife, Toni led her right into a trap! Yes our Toni was turned:
And when she told Alice her betrothed was married to the woman playing his daughter, Alice was all like:
And B was chased away and this horrifying site happened:

When B arrives home, V calls her and tells her that while being transferred to her father's prison (a move Hal wanted) the bus wrecked and he died. Right . . . Let's take a look at what was probably the only last look on Hal's face.

Also, this past episode was Luke Perry's last that filmed before he passed and it was nice scene with his onscreen son:

May her RIP and always be remembered fondly. 

That's all for this week. Until next week, stay #RiverdaleStrong!