Tuesday, January 17, 2017

GMW 3.20 Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen

  • So, here we are, one away from the end, the actual end-end unless the Disney allows GMW to be taken over by some other network. This is probably one of the show’s strongest episodes that I can remember. It showed us what kind of show that it could be, while reverting back to the show that Disney has made it!
  • We begin in the bay window where Maya and Riley discuss turning sixteen. (Maya gets a great jab about how Riley is really eight and she is fifteen- I feel like that was for people like me). Riley announces she wants her sweet sixteen party despite not turning sixteen anytime soon.
    LOL, still not teaching History!
  • In school, Cory’s lesson this week is on Landmarks . . . of your life (LOL like he’d actually teach History). Smackle and Zay are also present have genuinely funny lines as they discuss landmarks of their lives. (Maya gets another great jab about age when she tells everyone they’re going to have their sweet sixteen celebration right now when they are fifteen and Lucas is twenty four).
    Zay got it . . .
    • This is how a show should make fun of itself. In the past it was too much jab, the wink, wink towards the audience . . .
  • Cory assigns the class to tell him what will happen next in their lives. (Easiest class ever)!
    It's like they caught on that they're not getting a normal education . . .
  • At Topanga’s some issues are finally brought up that make me LOL. First, Riley and Maya mean more than Riley and Lucas! And they’re finally going to to address Smackle and Lucas!!!! (I’m still rooting for Riarkle!) Riley and Maya also realize that more than likely, due college, they aren’t going to be together forever. (This show has all of sudden became really good!)
    I am certain this group would be here or in the bay window in 4 years . . .

    Zay looks like how we feel . . . 

    Smackle represents us while Zay represent's Disney!
  • Farkle tells Lucas if Smackle really wants him he will step aside, ala Riley when she thought Maya liked Lucas.
    Even Farkle supports Smackus!
  • For the first time ever, Riley and Maya seek advice from Topanga. She tells them no one can ever know but kind of be prepared and that if she had her life to do over again, she wouldn’t change a thing.
    Going to Topanga for advice surprised them too . . .
  • The next scene, is the best set up for what could have been a great storyline that could’ve ended with us finally having Riarkle and Smackus! Riley and Maya walk back to Topanga’s and walk-in on Lucas telling Smackle they are finally alone! Instead we got Smackle admitting that she only says things like she and Lucas are going to end up together because she is insecure about her relationship with Farkle. (High school freshmen are not this mature, but whatever, Disney teased us and that is evil!!!!)
    The prefect setup! #Smackus
  • Seriously, at this point I am so let down . . . They go back to school and Riley realizes she shouldn’t rush growing up, live in the present, blah, blah, she knows  they will all be where they are now for the next four years and she will enjoy it! Until . . .
    Everything is butterflies and rainbows!
  • Cory, Riley and Maya go home to find Auggie upset at Topanga. Topanga announces she has been promoted to head of her firm! In London . . . To Be Continued!
    They do have emotions!

  • So, we ended on quite the cliffhanger that could see the whole Matthews family shipped off to London! Will they go? (If so I am certain Maya will go too and they will find English versions of Lucas, Farkle and Smackle) Or will they stay (Because I never knew Topanga could practice law in another country . . .) This type of cliffhanger is so appropriate for this show, it’s just too bad it could be the season finale instead of leading to the series finale!
  • One more to go! This one should truly be good!

OK, so this episode had a few really awesome moments. I really wanna focus on those moments, if I can. I'll still probably complain because it's somehow in my nature and  apparently a very unyielding part of my personality that just won't stop or go away. 


Farkle is great when they let him be. And they rarely let him be, especially lately. They really cut him back. They used him most in the beginning when he was portrayed as an over-the-top nerd with tons of energy. Since then he's calmed down and his role seems to have shrunk. We haven't been given nearly enough Farkle over the span of this series, and sadly we probably won't be seeing much more of him. We got some pretty special Farkle time this episode and I am grateful. As usual, Smackle was being flirtatious with Lucas and the teasing led to Farkle pulling Lucas aside to talk. 

Seriously, these kids are the wisest, most mature high school students to have ever existed. Farkle tells Lucas that Smackle has feelings for him and he wants him to know that if Lucas were to ever return the feelings, then he would step aside and let them move forward. Lucas responded to this by telling Farkle he was similar to Riley and he remarked on how passionate the two were, or something along those lines. I know this is petty love drama, but it's also the closest thing to a mature topic we are gonna get with this show so I appreciate it. I also really enjoy the moments of interaction between the boys. Riley and Maya have little to no character development, but the boys really have none. They are basically just there. I mean they are supposed to be best friends with the girls, and yet I know very little about them. Of course if you aren't allowed to sit in the bay window, then you get demoted. Bay window talk is all that matters.

Smackle and Zay I've always been a big fan of Zay, so anything he does I find it charming and/or entertaining. Even if it isn't. The Smackle/Zay moment where Smackle shuts down and Zay puppets her was fun. It wasn't much at all. It wasn't some deep meaningful moment, just a fun moment. I'm at the point now where I adore moments between characters that don't usually interact, and in settings that are not the bay window. Moments CAN happen outside of it regardless of what this show has led us to believe.

And anyway, remember that time at Christmas when Smackle and Farkle gave Zay that game so they could all play it together in their free time in hopes that it would make them closer friends? Yeah. I do. So moments like this kind of confirm for me that off screen they were able to hangout and become closer.

Auggie Auggie was used so appropriately. He didn't get his own segment with Ava where they do something completely useless and silly. He sold me on his sadness regarding his mom's new job offer too. Good job Auggie!

Speaking of Topanga's new job offer...

WTF? Topanga has been the most irrelevant character this whole series. They have never known what to do with her, sticking her in the apartment to baby-sit this whole time, but now? Now they make the whole freaking finale based around a decision she has to make? I just don't get that. It was fun to have a cliffhanger and it's nice to see the girls faced with this potentially very horrible scenario of losing each other, but I'm still irked that they just now found a way to make Topanga apart of the story in a way that doesn't involve looking after Ava and Auggie. I'm excited to see what happens next week. With the reunion I half expect to see them introduce Eric Matthews as president of the country and Feeny as Jesus Christ. We shall see.

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