Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Riverdale 3.5 The Great Escape

***Author's Note***
Hey everyone, I appreciate each and every reader and view I get. I hope Syd's life calm down so that she can return one day, but until then you have me! So, this review comes so late because have been NanoWriMo-ing (writing a novel for the month of November) and am nearly done! Stay Tuned and always know I will get the reviews up before the episode, but come next week, they should consistently be the day after once again!

This week, came off the high that was the flashback episode back to present day Riverdale. This one was pretty much all about Archie and his escape from the Hiram ran prison and fight club.

The Serpents Play D&D G&G
- As confirmed last week, when Betty walked in on them, and like most of the town ,our favorite group of friends are playing the deadly game and they are into it! This why I worry about them. I mean the whole town is too, but still . . .
- I love the fact that the serpents had no interest in helping Archie, but I'm sure that it is no coincidence that their mission was to rescue the "Red Paladin" and Archie has Kool-Aid Red colored hair.

Archie Shaw Shanks It
- So, V teamed up with a shady casino owner (who's also a teenager) to not only get in and see Archie, but to save him as well. She concocted a plan that required all of her friends to stop their own lives and participate. Luckily they all like them enough to do so and helped out.
- V, Reggie and Josie created a diversion during the illegal (and underage) fight club, so Archie could literally crawl through a sewer pipe where B & Kevin were suppose to be waiting.
- B pulls him out and gets him to safety while leading the police on a wild goose chase on a motor bike through the woods with Kevin as her passenger. (B did pretty well on the bike)
- Archie was thrown down fell down delivered to the secret bunker where V enlists everyone help to keep him hidden.
- The warden killed himself by drinking the smurf liquid rather than deal with the consequences of the Red" Paladin" escaping.

- Before he escaped, Joquine shanked Archie, but not before kissing him to say he was sorry. This was in exchange for his freedom. About that kiss . . .Archie watched out and helped Joquine a lot in prison (because he's a nice guy) but they had a little chemistry too, just saying . . .

- I would love to hear FP's version of the Midnight club!

- Siera and Tom are engaged!

- Our cliff hanger for Turkey Day break is Juggy once again coming face to face with the Gargoyle King and he took a knee!!!!

No Riverdale for the week of Turkey Day, so we'll be back soon! Until then, stay Riverdale Strong!

All gifs come from Riverdale Daily Gifs Check them out! (I do not own or claim ownership of any of the gifs I used)

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