Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Riverdale 3.13 Requiem for Walterweight

So, what do we Riverdale viewers call ourselves? Riverdale-ians? Riverdale-ites? Or of course we could always call ourselves whatever we're shipping at the moment? #Bugheaders, #Chonians, #Viggites?

Thoughts, Opinions? Anyone?

This week, Archie dived into his next pipe dream career choice as a boxer. LOL I just can't with him any more. The good thing about this is that Tom Keller is his trainer but of course in true Archie fashion, he thinks he's pro and ready to take a major fighter who is known to play dirty. 
Long story short he "holds his own" (insert eye roll) but still loses. Afterwards, he and Josie celebrate in the only way that Archie knows how: 

For anyone keeping Tally, Archie has now bedded, Grundy, V and Josie.

Juggy faced the facts that Cheryl stole all female serpents to form her Pretty Poisons gang and sought advice from Mama Jughead. When he failed to get the Ghoulies to join, Gladys did it herself. LOL This will so end well . . . 

In #Choni news, Chereyl is once again being written as straight up crazy (which she is always a little) instead of her usual kick ass residential Red Arrow vigilatnte that saves her friends and stops serial killers. I suspect a breakup of #choni soon which will lead to Toni (and the Poisons as they're called) rejoining the Serpents. 

When Hiram became rightfully suspicious of Hermoine Lodge, V covered for her because we all know Hiram would never do anything to his precious baby girl . . .

And finally, Polly nearly drowned Alice, in a Farm Ritual known as Rebirth (not my current fave reboot of the DC comics) and B saved her. Alice apparently saw the light or something and decides to sell her and B's home and give all of the money to the Farm! End Scene. 

If you blinked and missed it, Kevin also joined the Farm!

The Pretty Poisons, under the direction Cheryl beat up Sweet Pea and Fangs . . . because they could . .. 

That's all for this week. Since I'm posting this a week later, we have all heard the tragic news that Luke Perry passed away. Riverdale has suspended production for now to mourn, but also to figure out what do next. I'll make a small tribute post soon. For now, Stay #RiverdaleStrong!

All gifs came from Check them out! I do not own or claim copyright over any gifs I have used!

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