Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Riverdale 3.20 Prom Night

Hi Riverdale Nation!

This week, the gang attended their junior Prom and I high suspect that next year's Prom episode might be the musical one based on the musical, Prom!

You guys this is our first post Luke Perry episode, however, it's not unusual for him to miss an episdoe or two, so their excuse that he's out of town is perfect, for now.

Very 1st thought: Why is Evelyn still in school?! B exposed her as way too old for a student!

Anyway . . .
I love Molly Ringwald as Archie's mom and I have always thought she should stick around! She wants what's best for Archie, but does he listen? Nooooo and does the complete wrong thing.

Also pretty sure #Varchie is unofficially back on-ew!

Why is Evelyn still in school?!

When #Choni, but really Cheryl finds out she can't run for prom queen because it's against the rules of the farm, I thought one thing:

Sexism is strong in the farm, isn't that right, Edgar?!

Back Cheryl, who drops out of the prom queen race, but finally utter a line I have been waiting to hear from her: she's tired of the farm! YES! Let's see her grand exit!

Why is Evelyn attending school Prom?

Thanks to Jellybean, #Bughead find a major clue to put them hot on the trail of the Gargoyle King, so after rigging Prom Queen, because no one else of importance is running (I bet Ethel did LOL), she is summoned by the Gargoyle King. Cue the scream 2 chase through a dark Riverdale High, littered with bodies and . . .
The return of the Black Hood!!!!

Now, Hal is supposedly dead, a fact that B did not believe until a hand was identified as Hal's, but this Black Hood as a hook and killed like three kids, and for some reason protected the Gargoyle King and tries to Kill B! Show of hands of who thinks this is a farmie imposter?

Unfortunately, B believes her father is trying to kill her and goes to warn Alice, where she accepts an invitation to stay at the farm for "safety." But some think they know the real reason why . . .

That's all of thoughts this week! Until next week, stay #RiverdaleStrong

All gifs came from Riverdale Central Check them out!

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