Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Girl Meets World 3.1 Girl Meets High School Parts 1 & 2

If the transition from middle to high school is this hard for this bunch, I really hate to see their transition from high school to real life/world. In Girl Meets High School parts one and two we find out just how self-centered Riley and the gang are. Thanks Corey. Riley, Maya, Lucas, and Farkle spent their entire middle school careers having lessons designed around them, and now that they have been put into a bigger pond where everything does not revolve around them, they can't even. At some point during these episodes Corey asked if he had prepared them for this? I'm going to go ahead and say no, no he did not. 

Anyway, back to it. Three new riveting (?) characters are introduced in the season opener. Someone, cue the yo-yos! Oh! Here they are:  

They are here to put the high school newbies in their place. Apparently, as we learn in part two of this sequel, they had the same egocentric attitude coming into high school and they want to teach Riley and her friends a lesson so they will have a better experience at Abigail Adams High. Whatever. Why are they qualified to do this? They aren't. And why don't they have better things to do? They put a lot of thought into this lesson, even going as far as writing a freshmen song which, when performed, just comes out all corny and terrible. The only redeeming part of this performance was Riley's excitement. Make this stop, though. I do not like Thor and his minions. This just isn't a realistic trio and I really hope future episodes in season three will just exclude them. 

Thor and the minions (I really can't remember their names) do not just follow Riley and Maya around, they pop up in Farkle/Smackle situations too. 

Speaking of Farkle/Smackle, (not Farkle Minkus and Isodora Smackle, it's Farkle/Smackle because they are a package deal now) the writers, at some point, married these two characters and didn't invite us to the wedding. It totally happened though. They are inseparable and I'm worried that in the future there will be no Farkle story line without Smackle and vice versa. Although, if they keep treating Smackle as if she were a Big Bang Theory character, I wouldn't mind seeing stories COMPLETELY free of her. They have bogged her down with all the horrible stereotypical qualities of an intelligent person. I really think my biggest peeve is the speaking like a robot thing and if that would just stop, these intelligent characters would be so much better off for it. 

But enough of the negativity. I want to turn to the positives now because I liked a lot of things about these two episodes as well. For instance, Lucas. I'm really on the Lucas bandwagon right now. I think his reactions to triangle bullshit won me over. Huh- Hurr!

But really, this isn't all it took. I'm really buying what he's selling. Lucas is really concerned with protecting his friends and so far his high school experience hasn't allowed him to do that. And that's what he has to offer, his protection. It really seems to mean a lot to him to be able to provide that service because that's how he contributes to his friendships. I like it. He needs to be more than the doofy attractive athlete and this is a start. 

I enjoy the growing relationship between Zay and Lucas; this is a believable relationship. There is a Jack/Eric quality to their friendship and it makes me happy. I hope they find ways to include Farkle in this friendship in the future too.

I enjoyed Marly Evans. I'm a fan of Corey being called out on his specially tailored lessons that only benefit his daughter and her friends, so her sarcastic commentary was welcome. She seems to represent those loners that exist in high school, the ones that don't run around with mobs of people and that pleases me. I really hope she sticks around.  

In conclusion, Riley and friends have a hard time adjusting to life after middle school, and three lame seniors take it upon themselves to spend their every waking moment to guide the youngsters as they attempt to navigate through these new waters. Love triangle resolution didn't happen, Farkle and Smackle tied the knot, Lucas and Zay shine, and Riley and Maya (supposedly) learn not to jump so fast and look around, whatever that means. Thank you, Thor and your minions, this episode would not have been possible without you and your wisdom. 


I do have a concern about the future of this season and those to come and I would like to express that now. I enjoy Auggie in small doses, and Ava is really good. The girl is good. However, if they get too much time on the screen I fear the show will not be able to grow up as much as I need it to. 

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