Monday, August 15, 2016

Girl Meets World 3.10 Girl Meets I Do

Girl Meets I Do 

Katy and Shawn get married. Mr. Feeny wears many hats. Cory is jealous. Sounds like a writer tweet, doesn't it? That's all that happened this episode, though. One big event dominated this one and Maya worried for 3/4 of it. 

Girl Meets I Do managed to be all about Shawn and Katy getting married and being in love while simultaneously focusing on Maya and her concerns about this union. While sleeping over, Maya admits to a sleeping Riley that she use to stay up with her crying mother all night when her father left Katy. Maya witnessed a very lonely Katy and now Maya fears that Shawn, because he is human and humans have the capacity to abandon, might pull out of his relationship with Katy in the future leaving her in the same position that Maya's father left her in. The fears and anxiety she has over this situation are understandable and even believable, especially since NO ONE has EVER seen Katy and Shawn go on a date. Maya is constantly saying "prove it" throughout this episode and now I know why she can't accept it. Because no one can! The viewers can't, and now the characters in the show are letting us know that they are having a hard time accepting this relationship too because there isn't anyone that is really even sure if Katy and Shawn have been going out this whole time. Now that I think about it, wasn't Cory grilling Shawn for a hot minute about his feelings? And Topanga to Katy as well? Hmmmmm....

Maya gets it.

This show. They drag out the things that we don't want dragged out and they rush the things that shouldn't be rushed. We spent a year on love triangle drama and yet they devote one episode to Shawn and his true love? And they really crammed it down our throats. And is this the first time we've ever seen Shawn and Katy holding hands? It went from nothing to everything so fast. Don't even make Shawn finding his true love a thing unless you're willing to spend an adequate amount of time on it. It's a little disappointing is all. But I've complained about this before so I'll stop now. 

You know what wasn't disappointing? Cory and Shawn together. Cory being jealous of Katy and all of his childish devastation was really silly and yet really satisfying. Ben Savage is so good at being genuinely goofy. Storming out of rooms, having pillow fights with Shawn and wearing globe pajamas are all things I like about Cory. There really isn't much I dislike about Cory, though. 

I was half expecting to see Cory interrupt the actual ceremony that took place on the roof (?) of the Matthew's apartment. It's their go to venue for everything. I wonder if their high school graduation will be held up there? Anyway, the Matthews and Ava were all invited to the wedding ceremony and Mr. Feeny married the couple because Mr. Feeny can do anything. The ceremony was probably the best part of the episode. Mr. Feeny walks in and hilariously cuts the girls off before they can get the Feeeenaaay jingle out, and Auggie explains to Ava that Feeny is, he thinks, his grandpa. LOL. Maya has no beef with the marriage by this point and everything goes pretty smoothly from this moment on. Feeny leads a short and simple ceremony with Shawn and Katy reading their vows to one another followed by their I do's. 

And then Maya jumped in to give Shawn her blessing one last time by telling him that she is now with him and ready to jump into this new relationship. Maya saying to Katy "I've always been with you" was really touching, I must say. It was really sweet. Feeny thought so too. 

Directly after the ceremony we see the wedding party moved to Riley's bedroom to enjoy the wedding reception which is hosted by the bay window. Good lord, why? That's the most worn out set in the history of television.  

This wasn't my favorite episode but I guess it served its purpose. I'll be glad next week when we get Zay, Farkle, Lucas, and even Smackle back. Although I probably shouldn't get my hopes up because it looks like Riley and Zay get into a fight over a cookie in our next episode. There has to be more it to it than what I'm imagining. Please don't let me down, GMW!  

This is it. Shawn Hunter is finally getting married. It’s been a real whirlwind romance. Boy asks girl out and then literally the next time we see them together, boy asks girl to marry him! Now I guess they they will say I do or will Maya interrupt the proceeding as hinted at in the promo or will Corey repay his his bff by interrupting his wedding and throwing a tantrum as Shawn did all those years ago.
"Will we be married? Yeah it's a safe bet . . ."
  • We begin in the bay window, because there always must be a bay window scene. I would hope this is the only one, but I know better by now. Riley is excited about planning Shawn and Katy’s wedding, while Maya is nervous about it. She doesn’t want to believe something this good is happening to it, despite seeing how happy her mother is with the man she wants and has been looking to as a father figure.
    Maya's face when she realizes that she is all of sudden scared about the wedding!
  • We’re next treated to two scenes that are suppose to show the similarities between Riley and Maya and Shawn and Corey’s friendship. Still nervous, Maya needs a late night bay window session, while Shawn awakes to find Corey has snuck onto the opposite end of the couch for an impromptu slumber party and to see if Shawn’s heart is in the right place and it is. Now one of these scenes is better than the other and the better one didn’t involve a bay window.
  • The next day, Maya and Riley find themselves in Topanga’s where Topanga is giving Katy one of those wedding magazines quizzes because . . . I don’t know why but we learn what has been my only gripe with the Shawn and Katy pairing (that is happened way too fast) because Katy doesn’t know Shawn’s last name. Could it be because we’ve only seen them together a total of what four times and a picture from one fictional time that allegedly happened off screen? End Rant.
    Katy and Topanga's friendship happened just as fast as her relationship with Shawn!
  • If this was BMW I’d be more concern that this wedding may not happen, but since this is GMW, I have no doubt that it will.
  • Maya asks them to prove they are ready for marriage, so Shawn takes Maya and everyone else to the roof where asks Katy to marry him that night, despite the fact neither of them have what they will wear or have invited anyone, but just to prove to Maya they are ready.
  • While this came off as a last minute thing for Shawn, I guess he must have prepared this because he already had Feeny on the way to marry them.
    "That's Father Feeny to you" Mr. Feeny
  • FEENY! The best part of this episode! He marries Shawn and Katy, and like their relationship, it was fast, no suspense, not nearly enough of Feeny, I kind of wish it was a 2-parter, but the vows were sweet.
    We then returned to the bay window for the reception party.
    Yes, everyone but Feeny ran back to the bay window (sigh).

Extra Tidbits:
  • The wedding music reminding me of Titanic so much I was waiting for Celine Dion to begin singing.
  • Auggie and Ava were once again used properly and I hope this  continues in future episodes. Also, Auggie believing Feeny was his grandpa was funny because he might as well be.
  • Topanga had a nice reaction to Ava catching the bouquet and I hope everyone caught it.
    I need more people being pushed out of bay window scenes, please!

I keep saying I wish there was more suspense or build up to a two-parter. Can you imagine how interesting it would have been if Shawn and Katy both had cold feet and didn’t show or if Shawn was a runaway groom? Or what if, we got a two-parter where Feeny asks if anyone objects to the wedding, and no one does, but at last minute, Angela walks in. Cue black out and then to be continued. I wouldn’t have Angela want him back, but having another crises of her own and arriving at a very bad time, where she needs to learn to make these decisions herself.
I also buy Shawn having a small wedding, but Jack was missing, his ghost dad didn't make an appearance and Turner, who at one point raised him (and is Corey’s boss)! I guess I’ll still have to wait for that Turner and Shawn scene!

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