- Honestly, My expectations for this one are not high. I believe it be a silly Disney episode where Riley and Co. where be selected by a director to make one and done movie that may or may not make waves in NYC. Truth be told, I was not far off in my prediction.
- Turns out Anastasia is actually Bobbie Jo, Katy’s ex BFF from childhood. This could be really cool if we’d get some great backstory about Mrs. Hunter. But we .don’t, we spend the first half of the episode halfheartedly worrying if anything serious will result in Maya’s kidnapping, the some kind of lesson about how best friends can drift apart but not if you are Riley and Maya.
"I'm Katy Grace and I'm Bobbie Jo . . ." - When Riley and Maya decide to go to school (as opposed to playing kidnappers) we learn Sarah’s father is the movie director directing a script Sarah wrote, oddly based off Katy’s life, with characters based off of Lucas, Farkle and Zey. Riley and Maya are in it too, but they sit on the side without talking, lol I love that Sarah has got more story this season, but this is a tad ridiculous for my taste. (But it explains Katy going for the role of Katy).
Sarah clearly pays more attention than I do . . . - Katy auditions and gets the part, surprise, but the guys do not get the role of themselves in a funny bit.
Sarah was not impressed . . . - Maya ends the episode says when she grows up she wants to be Riley’s BFF and Katy’s daughter . . . huge aspirations there and mission accomplished?
Extra Tidbits
- This show is too self aware. I usually love it when a show does this but GMW does it way too much.
- Why are Katy and Maya still living in their run down apartment when Shawn has a nice cozy cabin in the woods, upstate? Shouldn’t they have at least upgraded? Also, where is Maya’s step-father?
It probably isn't the most popular opinion, but it's mine and I'm going to share it. I don't care if this show is renewed. I'm not super interested in it anymore and I don't really look forward to watching it. This episode was just bad for me and reassured me that I'm just not that into it this season. I know it's good tv for younger kids and families and that's really the target audience so a girl in her late 20s (me) might not find what she's looking for here anyway, but I wanted to keep watching in case they pick up that BMW vibe again. It's just not what I want.
Girl Meets Hollyworld held some of the cornier, and not in a good way, moments I've seen so far. Maya kidnaps Anastasia Boulangerie, a famous star, so that Maya's mom can audition for a new movie (I think it was a movie) being produced by some bigshot. The bigshot is the father of one of the voiceless students in Riley and Maya's class. When Riley finds out that Maya is keeping her handcuffed to a radiator (with wheels she could literally just roll away), she has a moment.
There were so many spasms in this episode.
Eventually the girls discover the truth about Anastasia which is that she is Katy's childhood bestie, so she isn't from France like she's advertised. Katy and Anastasia catch up a bit and end up doing some jig that they put together way back when. It's hard to watch.
I can't decide what was sillier, the jig, the spasms, or Farkle Poopypants McStupidhead. Of course that was the character in this new production that was based off Farkle Minkus. There was also Dookas and Zed, hopefully you can imagine on your own where the inspiration for those characters came from.
My favorite part of the episode was probably the boys auditioning for the part of themselves at the end. It was fun to watch them spill into the classroom after admitting they were not cast. Zay was especially amusing with his conversation he was supposed to be having with an agent, I assume, about only be considered as a semi regular for his part. From everything I've heard the actor playing Zay was offered a regular spot on this show before this season aired, but he turned it down requesting to be semi regular. I can't help but think that was a little joke on him and it made me chuckle.
Well, another episode down. Looking at the promo for this week's Christmas episode I'm not too excited. I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. See you then.
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