Tuesday, November 29, 2016

OUAT 6.9 Changelings

OK, OUAT you hot mess. What happened this past week? Queenie and Gold broke up, Zelena was betrayed by her evil sister and is now alone...again, Emma had tremors and visions, Charming slept, Aladdin and Jasmine were pointless, and Snow and Henry went to have their hair styled together.

First I really just want to point out how irrelevant Jasmine and Aladdin are. What is the point in that story if they aren't even going to be in the show? They cram these two in every week for about five minutes and they disappear. We know Jasmine is desperate to find her home and she is convinced that Aladdin is the only one that can help her, but Aladdin seems to give no shits about Agrabah. He finally gave up this week and put himself in that bottle and I'm certain he did it to get away from Jasmine and the Storybrook citizens.

Seriously though, look how happy he is...

I think I'm reading relief on that face too.

Speaking of Storybrook folk, what were they doing in this episode? Well, Emma and Hook were running around trying to help Belle and her baby. They were all afraid that Rumple was going to feed Belle some sort of concoction that would speed up her pregnancy so that he could steal his baby. I think. Belle was being warned the entire episode by her future son, Gideon, that their time was running out and he continued to give her vague hints until the episode was over about what to do to stop his evil father from snatching him up. Speaking of baby snatching...

Rumple's mom is a professional baby snatcher known as the Black Fairy. The flashbacks in Changelings dealt mostly with Rumple and Belle and some baby that was taken to lure Rumple's mum to him so he could reveal his identity to her. Much to his dismay, she didn't care, like, at all.

She pretended to at first, but then giggled in his face a few times and disappeared into a purple hole before he could process the abandonment. This left Belle in the clear to return the mysterious baby to Jack and Jill. Because it was their baby? I had no clue. They actually never mentioned in this episode unless I missed it, which is totally possible because this show is hardly holding my attention this season. Anyway, Belle got to save a baby back then, and she got to save her own baby from Rumple in her current situation. 

Rumple and Evil Regina alliance allowed them to work together to get Rumple and Belle's baby once it had been born. Rumple was going to force a potion down Belle's throat that would speed up her pregnancy, but Belle ended up talking him out of it. Belle drank a labor inducing timey-whimey potion anyway because Granny accidentally served it to her. Meanie Queenie somehow, most likely magically, put it in the tea she ordered, Rumple found out, and then he proceeded to the nunnery to steal his baby. With seconds left until the interception, Belle talks Blue into to taking her baby away, somewhere far and secret, to raise him. She said she was "giving him his best chance" to survive. I'm pretty sure the Charmings authored some sort of self-help series of books and the citizens of Storybrook use those things as gospel. How many times have these people quoted the Charmings? It's hilarious. 

Other than all of this excitement there wasn't much more that I took away from this episode. Emma did find the sword that she thinks kills her in the future, and Zelena and Regina had another moment where Zelena received the emotional equivalent to being kicked in the stomach, but what's new? They treat her like a dog. 

Anyway, see you next week for the winter finale where we get a ridiculous "what if" situation where Emma ends up in the enchanted forest sniffing flowers and skipping. Can't wait. I actually am kind of excited. 

  • This is my last week of NanoWrimo everyone, so next week, I will be back to normal! That said, in the near future we will be announcing and you will be seeing some changes, so stay tuned!
  • Okay, I’m not going to lie, this episode felt like a chore to me. It was a Belle episode and she is one of my least favorite characters. As I was watching, I felt like so much time had passed and the show went to commercial, I thought when they come back they’ll have like five or so minutes left to end the episode. WRONG! I was just at the halfway point, so stay with me:

  • The Upside Down from Netflix’s Stranger Things paid a visit to Storybrook this week as Belle visited the “dream world” to chat with her grown, unborn son who still looks like the knave, IMO, of course.
    "OMG, I've stepped into a better show . . ." -Belle
  • Not even Eleven could save these two . . .

  • Zelena finally ended her alliance with the Evil Queen and it only took for her evil sister to try to kill her. Why did she not fight back?
    Zelena was as tired of this episode as I was . . .
  • Lots of squid inking happened this week which is just LOL to me. Emma squid inked Gold and he, in the flashback suid inked his own mother. All I can imagine now is someone calling Ariel to swim to Ursula to get this stuff.
    "You've just been INKED!" -Emma
  • Where do I begin. How about in one scene where Belle sounded Irish and then Scottish in the next . . .
  • My feelings about this episode summed up by one picture!
    Gold was going to speed up Belle pregnancy and then decided not to, but ticked off the Evil Queen, so she did it, and thus Belle gave birth. She then promptly gave the baby to Blue to raise  and Blue and the baby flew away, hopefully for forever.
    Bye baby #Rumpelle, bye Blue, don't come back!
  • No Charming this week, as Snow stay awake for the whole episode!
  • Aladdin and Jasmine had a bit where the rubbed the lamp and Aladdin became a genie. I hope he and Jasmine finally go away back to Agrabah, where that is and are never heard from again. Side Note: these two characters were wasted this season.
    "I wish for a better story" Jasmine
  • The Black Fairy was revealed to be Rumple’s mother and I have 2 issues with this. 1. All she wanted to do was giggle at him. 2. I can’t imagine her and 15 year old Pan as a couple . . .
    "Tee-Hee, I'm your mother," the Black Fairy
  • There was way too much #CaptainSwan who found the sword Emma will be stabbed with in her visions.
    "And this will kill me, just like this storyline is doing to the show" -Emma
    Next Week is the Winter Finale where we get a What if Emma Never Became the Savior/It’s a Wonderful Life meshup! Until then!

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