Welcome to the first annual WindowlessReviews Ravvies Awards Ceremony! What are the Ravvies you ask? The Ravvies are awards we award our favorite Riverdale characters, storylines, moments, as well some not so great characters and scenes we enjoyed or hated. Season 2 is right around the corner, so take your seat a little early and let’s relive some of the best and worst of Riverdale!
Favorite Character
Cheryl Blossom
If you had asked me circa first half of the season, this answer would have clearly been jughead or maybe even Betty. Then, in the latter half of the season, I realized that there was one character driving more of the action than any and that’s Queen of the Kool-Aide colored hair, Cheryl Blossom. She’s feisty, sometimes rude, but she gets most of, if not all of the epic one liners. Let’s face it, most of the time she says what we’re all thinking. I am certain you can pinpoint several faults in her, like her trip down attempted suicide lane, but the death of her twin brother has changed her forever. Now the she knows the truth, she can return to being the spark in Riverdale that we all love to see!
Favorite Couple
This was a no brainer for me, as they’re the only couple I shipped! Sure I was a fan of Kevin and Joquine, but that started off as a ruse and then Joquine ended up needing to skip town. Seeds were planted for Bughead since the beginning and lucky for us, we got to see them come to fruition in season one! B started out with a crush on BFF Archie who did not return her feelings. While she struggled with that rejection, Juggy, as B so aptly calls him, played the role of lone wolf, but the feelings for his BFF’s neighbor were present. They’re two of the most likable characters on the show, so it’s only natural their pairing comes off as a good fit! They have more of an innocence vibe, which makes them adorable!
Favorite Storyline
Archie and Grundy have an Affair! (LOL no one liked that storyline)
Who Killed Jason Blossom?
On the outside, it may appear Riverdale only had a few storylines, but when you get down to it, there are several to choose from: The murder mystery, the student/teacher affair, the Archie, B & V triangle, #Bughead, The Polly Mystery, The Blossoms vs The Coopers etc. But the main storyline from season one, the one tied everything together was the best! I love a good whodunit?! Riverdale didn’t stretch it out too much nor did ever forget the mystery was unsolved. As someone who enjoys daytime drama, it always bothers me that twenty episodes later the mystery is still unsolved and no one seems to care. On Riverdale, the mystery isn't solved right away, but we’re lead down several paths to who could have done it: Cheryl, FP, the South Side Serpents, Alice, all which were very fund rides only to discover that it was none of them, but it was his own father! I also love that we didn’t have to wait a season to see the fallout!
Worst Character
Archie Andrews
Worst Couple
Archie and Veronica
Worst Storyline
Archie Wants to be a Singer
Favorite Moment
Veronica Calls Cheryl out on #Twincest
They finally commented on what was so strongly hinted all season long! It only took 10 episodes before they did so, and even though those hints were mostly false (I still believe they were way too close for comfort), I took so much joy in seeing V be the one to finally say something! Normally, Cheryl says what’s on everyone’s minds, but someone had to do this one for her and I am glad it was Veronica!
Biggest Surprise
The Cooper are Really Blossoms Reveal!
Incest is very in, just in Riverdale, but in several shows and movies. While the build up to the reveal of Jason Blossom’s killer was indeed good, the bigger surprise for me, was learning that not only are the Coopers and Blossoms related, they’re closely related, which means Polly is preggers with her cousin’s baby! To add insult to injury, the Blossoms were totally cool with this because they knew all along! Hal Copper also knew, but was so stubborn that he wouldn’t tell his daughter that the boy she was so into, was her cousin because that meant he’d reveal the family secret! So many layers and I hope we get more fallout from this storyline!
Most Underutilized Character
Josie McCoy
Josie may have had a different (or some my argue the worst) attitude in Riverdale, but I really believe that the writers had no clue what to do with her, other than to have her be a pseudo BFF to Cheryl and lead singer of a band. Josie is an iconic character in her own right and only appeared in seven episodes. Her band mates were seen more and Val had a bigger storyline. Anyone remember how awkward it was to not see Josie at Jason’s funeral? Again, I believe anything that could have been a great story for Josie was overshadowed by Archie’s awful music career storyline! Here’s to more Josie in season 2 and not just as a background character!
Honorable Mention: Kevin Keller
What I want to see Most in Season 2
Riverdale gave themselves a whole episode to build towards the second season and it did not disappoint. So, here are a few things I want to see, in no particular order
- More umbrella storylines that involve several, if not all characters we have met.
- More Josie and the Pussy Cats, less Archie trying to sing.
- At least one more classic Archie dream/ode
- Go darker! We’ve already been given hints, but what if Zombie/Ghost Jason was a thing? I also they introduce Sabrina on Riverdale before she gets her own show!
- Finally, I may be in the minority, but I want to see the return of Grundy, not the affair, but I feel like there’s so much unfinished business with her that I’d love to see play out!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this visit down memory lane and I hope you’ll enjoy us as we review season 2!!! Stay #RiverdaleStrong
Welcome back! I love summer, but I need my shows. In honor of Riverdale coming back, here are my picks for the Rivies. I hope you enjoy!
Welcome back! I love summer, but I need my shows. In honor of Riverdale coming back, here are my picks for the Rivies. I hope you enjoy!
Favorite Character
I can tell these are going to be hard, so let me just talk this one through. Who do I award this to? I think I had moments during the first season with all of the characters where I thought for sure that one was my favorite, but by the next week I was digging someone else’s vibes.
I know I was really into Veronica the first few episodes. Her bold personality is really refreshing and I get the feeling she won’t take shit from anyone. I award several gold stars to V for these things.
I also liked Cheryl from the beginning. She has issues and we found out about those as the season went on so it got even easier to empathize with her and grow to love her, or at least not hate her. Plus, she’s a bitch and she knows it. She owns it. She also owns her crazy, so several more gold stars awarded to Cheryl.
I know Val didn’t have a huge part in the first season, but Val is so chill. Val has great hair. Val calls Archie out on his shenanigans, and Val isn’t stupid enough to keep dating an immature boy like Archie. Be like Val. Seriously though, Val’s relaxed personality and maturity are a comfort. I like Val. Have some gold stars, Val.
Alice was awful at first. I hated her. But then I started to realize why she was so unlikeable...she has been married to Hal for several years. Hal is like this cowardly and obnoxious little boy, not past the age of 7 and living with him can’t be easy, so let’s go easy on Alice. Plus, she got pretty cool towards the end of the season and she seemed to ease up on Betty which was nice. One gold star to Alice.
But who is/was my favorite character? I guess I’ll have to give the award to Betty. Thinking about it now, she grew a lot in season one. Episode one Betty would not have been able to confidently stand in front of her town and give the speech she gave in episode 13. She shamed them for their behavior and how they handled themselves when truths were coming out of the Jason Blossom investigation. Way to go Betty! I enjoyed her journey in season one and I liked watching her channel her inner detective, so congratulations to Betty for stealing my heart!
Honorable mentions: Fred Andrews and Jughead Jones
Favorite Couple
I am with the majority: Bughead
Archie wouldn’t look twice at Betty even though she was in love with him. A couple of episodes in and we could all see the way Juggy looked at Betty; it was adorable. Because Jughead looked at her when Archie wouldn’t, and because Betty grew to be incredibly supportive of Jughead, I choose Bughead as my favorite couple. I do want to add, though, that I wish Jughead would be more supportive of Betty. Towards the end of the season it started to feel a little one-sided. He started to get so caught up in himself and his own insecurities that he seemed to lose some appreciation for Betty. I’m wondering if we will see more of this conflict in season two.
Honorable mention: Val and Archie. I know Archie doesn’t deserve Val, but I think Val is most capable of grounding Archie, so I enjoy them together.
Favorite Storyline
This is hard, mostly because I don’t remember everything that happened last season. I know what scene was one of my favorites. Remember when Clifford and Penelope tell Cheryl she can’t speak at Jason’s funeral, but then Cheryl bursts in wearing the dress she wore the last time she saw Jason? With that red lipstick and confident walk, she strides down the aisle to the podium to speak, but then she breaks down and the moment is ultimately not as satisfying as I wanted it to be. The entrance was enough for me to really enjoy the moment though.
The story of Josie’s dad was good too. Anytime we get to peek into the private parts of the characters lives just enough to help us understand them more is a really enjoyable thing. Poor Josie. Her dad is so hard on her and not nearly as proud of her as he should be, but he’s too involved with himself to care. I wish Josie didn’t want to impress him so much. But that episode let us see what not only Josie, but Josie’s mom are dealing with at home. I know the focus was on Josie, but I can’t imagine being married to that man.
Worst Character
I really didn’t like Clifford, even before we saw what he did. His fake hair and his arrogant attitude were enough to turn me away from him, but I guess that was the point. I haven’t been super impressed with Archie either. He’s a little boring to me at this point, but that’s just my opinion. I don’t hate him though. I do hope to see more personality from him next season.
But I think the worst character for me would have to be Polly. I can’t really explain it, but I guess I can try. She annoys the crap out of me. I think she’s legit insane but it’s totally possible I think that because she has “crazy eyes” and I really can’t even explain to you what those are. Just, if you know what I’m talking about I think you’ll get it. I really do hope there are others out there that were rubbed the wrong way by Polly because I don’t want to be alone on this one. I need someone to help me explain her to the world. I will work on my hate for Polly argument this season as well, as long as I continue to hate her. I will try to have legitimate explanations to build my case against her. Stay tuned.
Favorite Moment
Cheryl burning down the Blossom’s mansion. Do I even need to explain why?
Biggest Surprise
I wasn’t expecting someone to get shot in the finale. So there.
Most Underutilized Character
Easy. Josie. At this point I wonder how they will naturally incorporate her into the group more because we rarely see Archie and the gang with her. I thought she was a series regular? I don’t know, I could be wrong about that, but I would like to see more of her.
What do I want for season 2?
I want to see more personality from Archie. I want to see more of Cheryl’s softer side, but not too much because her sass is wonderful. I want to see more interactions between Betty and her mom. I am excited to get to know Veronica more with the introduction of her father. I’m hoping that more Hiram will help us understand Hermione more as well. I think this will be a big year for V and I am anticipating lots of personal growth for her which excites me!
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