Thursday, October 25, 2018

3.3 As Above So Below

Welcome back for more randome thoughts on the latest episode of Riverdale! This week, I pulled some of my fave Twitter posts about the episode and wanted to share them here!

This week, Riverdale started out the best way possible: FP & Alice are officially a thing!!!!!

Our first big story this week was V opening her speakeasy,  the Le Bonne Nuit! Reggie seems to be her right hand man, because hey, he needs smething to do. Whenever you have a good thing going everyone wants some of the pie . . . right Penny? Hiram? Minetta (for real?).

So, V enlists the help of the show's power couple! #Chonie They break in the Whyte Worm and find Hiram's not so secret Pixie Stick Factory Jingle Jangle Lab and snap some photos to blackmail daddy dearest.

I love that the drug in Riverdale is literally pixie sticks LOL!

Resident songstress, Josie sings a great Anything goes cover.

Was I the only one thinking "NO! Don't let the vampire Hiram in! When he showed up at Pops?

While the opening we surprisingly well, we all know Hiram isn't done yet.

#Chonie refers to #Bughead as True Detective and Nancy Drew! I love it!!!

While B try to infiltrate the farm and learned Alice was spilling all:

Juggy began a game of G&G (Griffiths and Gargoyles) with Princess Ethylene. Heart attack city when Juggy had to drink from a chalice, but he survives. Ethel however, tries to kill herself and thankfully Juggy saves her!

His reward in hand, the G&G rulebook/Bible, he celebrates with B, until Falice finds it and immediately burns it! Le Sigh!

Anyone else nearly have a heart attack when Cheryl was spotted with one? It's okay, everyone has them now!

In Archie news, he's the king of the prison fight club (yawn- remember he's only suppose to be 16!)

Archie vows to escape and Jaquine is in! Poor Jaquine. Guy can never win!

PS: Ethel said B would never be worthy no matter how hard she try . . . she will turn you upside down Barb!

I was worried about Ethel but, her game is done and now she can just worship the Blair-witch like Gargoyle King . . . in the hospital . . .

Apparently we're off for a week before we come back to the flashback! I'm so excited!

Until then, stay #RiverdaleStrong

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