Monday, October 22, 2018

Riverdale 3.2 Fortune and Men's Eyes

Random Riverdale Thoughts:

Tonight's episode proved why it's a bad time to be a recurring character in Riverdale, just ask Dilton Doiley.

Also, as expected what B saw right before her seizure was explained away by medical reasoning.

We also met Evelyn, daughter of Edgar who runs the cult farm.

#Bughead ran into the Gargoyle King and lived to tell about it.

They also found what initially appeared to be a zombie scout, but was just actually the missing scout hiding away in Dilton's bunker.

Ethel appeared and we learn she is also in deep with this game/cult farm nonsense. I really hope they do not kill off her character. It'll be Barb all over.

We also learned that Ethel had been dating creepy Ben over the summer, but j/k it was in game thing, but no really, she claims he is her boyfriend.
Ethel also has the creepiest seizure ever while Ben "falls" out of the window.

In juvie, Archie ran into a familiar face.

He also tried to bring together Ghoulies and Serpents with a football game but Hiram was like:

And of course no football game would complete without a musical number from Josie, V, and Cheryl as they performed the Riverdale version of Jailhouse Rock along with the vixens, sans Toni.

I also totally support this Cheryl Blossom for class president bid!

Elsewhere, Kevin joined the Riverdale ROTC to be closer to Moose, who was made to join by his father.

And finally, the adults of our main players are all hiding a secret that of course connects to this Gargoyle King mystery #Bughead is trying to solve, but what is it?

That's all for this week. Next week, Archie learns what being Tapped by the warden means and more creepiness caused the gargoyle king! Until then, stay #RiverdaleStrong

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