Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Riverdale 3.14 Fire Walk With Me

Our first episode since Luke Perry's passing :( 

Here's are truly random thoughts I had about this episode: 

So, Archie's dropped out of high school to be a boxer . . . and everyone is okay with this? 

How would a kid sneak into a boxing gym (is this the right term?) unnoticed and then hide in a closet for . . .all day . . . of an hour or so? This was clearly planned, but still, if I'm expected to believe this place is busy enough to have Archie "help out" as the janitor, then someone would have noticed him right away! 

Archie is better suited when he's helping his friends solve the whatever the big mystery is the acting as the show's big bad. 

As long as Josie dates Archie, this means more screen time for her, which I'm all for, but are we still doing this Archie and Josie thing?

You guys know I'm ship #Choni shipper and fan. I also love me some Cheryl. But can I get a vote on who's tired of this Pretty Poison gang story?

I mean they helped V in the end, but I'm over it.

Also over the whole gang thing as a whole. I'm not sure what Juggy expected when he took over. A gang that helps the community is a great ideal in theory. I'm not sure the Serpents have ever been this and nothing more. Steps were taken in the right direction by deputizing them, so maybe they can turn things around. But I'm still tired of the gang wars. 

If you didn't catch it before, V and Reggie are caught in the middle of the start of Hiram's mob war with Gladys. 

Finally, Betty should have punched both Kevin and Evelyn in the face. Just punch them! Alice and Kevin have been brainwashed (I'm so sad he couldn't get a better storyline then literally thrown into the farm- at least we got to see B try to save him). I'm conflicted about B burning her house. I'm hoping she did just enough damage to stop the sale. If she burned down the whole house, then she really just hurt herself. 

At the end of the episode, we saw Luke Perry for a hot minute after the kid turned on Archie and nearly killed him (just LOL at Archie being slashed by a kid).

That's all for this week. I'm not sure if the halt in production will interrupt our viewing schedule. I hope not, but i also don't know how many more times we get to see Luke Perry as Fred. Until next time, stay #RiverdaleStrong

All gifs came from Riverdale Central except the mean girl one which came from 
I do not own the gifs from either site and do not claim ownership over any of them! Go check them out!

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