Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Riverdale 3.22 Survive the Night

Holy Crap you guys, that season finale was jam packed! The real villain of the season stood up, the Gargoyle King was unmasked and I was not surprised

First, can we give it up for the true villain and mastermind this season that I did not see coming:

So, we knew something was up when a newly escaped Toni clued Penelope in on the Farm's Organ Harvesting Program, then is drugged as Penelope leaves.

Edgar was literally going to take B's brain . . . I mean Penelope saves her kind of.

Only to throw her in a demented game of her own: The Survive the Night expansion pack to G&G!

Before go any further, it is worth noting the Gargoyle King was unmasked and I guessed correctly, like I'm sure many other fans did. A red headed Chic pretending to be Jason Blossom. 

I mean couldn't Cheryl tell just a little that it's not her brother?

Speaking of our home girl, Cheryl tried again to get to Kevin and Fangs who at this point I would forget about until I saved myself. But little did Cheryl know, Mama Blossom purchased all Organs in stock . . . because brothels need organs . . .

Cheryl escapes thanks to . . . Alice! Alice steals Juniper and sends Cheryl on her way, but stays back to save lost cause Polly before the Farm All Ascends/Drinks Poisoned Kool-Aid! 

Back to the game: Each member of our core four had to complete a task:

Archie was beat up by a costumed bear thug before she bashed his brains in???

V had to play spin the bottle with her best closest friend, B and avoid drinking a poisoned Chalice, but then Penelope showed up and was like "LOL they were all poisoned!"

Juggy had to take out the Gargoyle King/ Chick-call me Jason, which he did fairly easily.

And finally, poor B had to either be shot by her serial killer father or kill him. B fired first, injuring Hal before Penelope showed up and killed him. Poor B!

Penelope sics her brainwashed goons after the four, but no worries, Red Hood Cheryl is back with a posse of Serpents and Poisons to (sans Sweet Pea) to combat them. B&V are cured and they ride off to deal with the farm.

But they only find Kevin who was left behind with piles of clothes from everyone else who "Ascended."
Now let's talk about what really happened: Edgar got Kevin so high of Pop Rocks Fizzle Rocks, put him the dark room, surrounded by laundry and then left! The Farm moved like they always do and sadly too Alice with them. Oh and Polly and Fangs are there too. 

Twist Time
Cheryl took Jason's body home because the Farm had it, I guess to let Chic play puppeteer with him when he and Cheryl visited.

Penelope got away (thank God- Best villain of the show)!

And surprise #Bughead met the real Charles, an FBI agent who was working with someone undercover in the Farm to catch them- that agent on the inside: Alice Cooper! But LOL they're all now missing. 

Hiram, from his on jail (Why?) has Hermoine arrested for his attempted murder.

And finally, while the core four vow to enjoy senior year, a flash forward to spring break hints they have killed Juggy and B orders Archie to toss the beanie into the fire while all three of them are covered in blood! OMG! (Yeah he's not dead, but still kudos to the writers!)

And now we have to wait until season 4! I really enjoyed this season, but I do dislike that we lost a lot of minor players. Ben, Dilton, Joquine, Claudius, and numerous other would be characters were killed off. Then Moose and Josie left. Maybe next season Reggie, Ethel, Kev, Fangs, Sweet Pea or the missing pussycats will get some more lines!

I can't wait until season 4! Until then Stay #RiverdaleStrong

All the gifs I used all came from Riverdale Central  Check them out!

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