Friday, October 11, 2019

Riverdale 4.1 In Memoriam

Welcome back Readers!!!!!!

I'm Shane Lee, here with your Riverdale Review and this season, I am yet again changing up the format of this blog. Instead of straight up long reviews and random thoughts, this year, I thought I'd try a list!

Each episode will have a breakdown of the top 10 moments/things/returns/deaths/whatever crazy they want to throw at us.

Now, this episode was a little different than what we're use to and that's because they finally addressed the real life death of Luke Perry, who was of course Fred Andrews. All things centered around Fred and Archie with the core four helping Archie grieve.

So without further ado:

10. Riverdale Hasn't Celebrated the 4th of July Since Season 1 Because of Jason Blossom
The series kicked off with the murder mystery of Jason Blossom. That year, Riverdale had no big celebration or parade because of the murder, out of respect for the Blossoms. I get this, that is perfectly acceptable. Fast forward three years later and they still have no town celebration because of . . . Jason Blossom. At some point, especially after all of the death this town has seen, things need to return to normal, no matter what remaining Blossoms (sorry Cheryl) think.

9. Josie Gust Starred 
And said nothing. I do not recall a single a line, however, she did sing at Fred's funeral. It was nice to see her, but the other Pussycats . . . still M.I.A.

8. B&V ID'd Fred
I don't blame Archie and they were doing it for him, together, which is how they do things best. It also only makes sense, his girlfriend and the girl next door who borders best friend/love interest would do this for him and it was a powerful moment.

7. Archie's Dream
In true Riverdale fashion, the night after hearing the tragic news, Archie had a dream, where his grandpa, in Riverdale blue/foggy lighting told Archie he's suppose to bring his father home. Having everyone else he knew, both alive and dead waiting was a nice creepy moment, true to the show.

6. Reggie Loans Archie A Hurst
I liked this moment. I know they have an inconstant friendship, but it was still nice.

5. Archie Confronts The Driver(s) of Fred's Hit & Run
I almost thought we'd never know the answer to who struck Fred. Once we did, I was not surprised that Archie confronted the driver. The "surprise" of it really being a teen did not really shock me, but it felt very real and I do love that Archie related to the kid.

4.Fred's Funeral
It was very touching and the words Archie spoke rang so true. At least all major characters (not jailed or on the run) got to pay their respects. V was shocked to find her father paid for it, something I do not want to see thrown back into anyone's face. Let it just be about respect. It was short and simple, as it should have been.

3. Shannon Doherty's Guest Star Appearance
I did not cry until I saw her. She played the pedestrian Fred pulled over to help before being struck by the car. He saved her, thus dying a hero. Those who know the actress before Riverdale and even Charmed know she and Luke played love interests on 90210, so my first thoughts were of course Dylan died saving Brenda. So very well done and something fans know Luke lobbied for (Shannon guest starring).

2. The Parade
This touching scene. They welcomed him back to town and back home. Everyone in town was there, including Cheryl, who abandoned all plans of boycotting any type of 4th of July celebration.

1. The Final Scene
Cue the flashbacks. Archie in the garage, with the jalopy he and Fred fixed up, the insulated walls he made for Archie and his guitar and the final picture as the lights fade to black. In Loving Memory.

There we have this week. While one of the best episodes, this was hard, but we have grieved and can move on. Until Next week, stay #RiverdaleStrong!

All gifs are from Riverdale Central Go check them out!

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