Thursday, November 17, 2016

OUAT 6.8 I'll Be Your Mirror

The Good:
  • We had so many #SwanQueen moments this week and so little Charmings to deal with!
  • Regina and Emma trapped in the mirror land was so much fun and it’s also ironic that Regina ended up in there too. They were easily outsmarted by the evil queen because their ideal to trap her in the mirror, would have been way too easy. Then somehow, Henry  freed them and now Henry is an enemy to the evil queen as well. PS: The Dragon from New York was also trapped in the mirror, but he turned into a really cool, multi-color dragon.
  • I kind of like the team of Belle and Zelena, yes I actually like Belle in something other than a box. I also like Zelena when she she’s working against Rumple and the Evil Queen. This will be fun!

The Bad:
  • OUAT has this little habit of bringing characters back with no explanation (see Prince Phillip who was killed by a wraith and popped back up just in time crush Mulan’s feelings with Aurora- whom he impregnated- I’m never forgetting this OUAT!) This week, Violet popped back up in Storybrook with no explanation since we watched her waltz through the magical door with Merida last season. The dragon was in mirror land, even though we watched the Evil Queen crush his heart last season and it was still in tact. I hope at least the dragon (and Phillip) have stories from the Land of Untold Stories.
  • Charming and  Snow had a cute music montage of them living their lives with the new sleeping curse but doing nothing to help their current situation. I hope they are enjoying Snapchat with their forgotten baby.
  • The Evil Queen impersonated Regina and took everyone hot minute to realize this.
  • Gold and Regina continue to discuss me every time the kiss or get get within a inch from each other's faces. Ew, ew, ew, no!
  • Oh and Aladdin is the worst, noisiest thief ever. I laughed at Jasmine still harping about the missing Agrabah and Aladdin pretty much not caring.

That’s all for this week as NanoWriMo is taking over my laugh, so I apologize for no pictures. Once is off next week, so until next time!

I'll Be Your Mirror

I really kind of liked this episode. Snow and Charming are separated by the queen's curse, Emma and Regina are locked in a mirror world together, and Henry wasn't totally obnoxious. Good stuff.

Snow and Charming being cursed sounds like a bad thing, but I like it. This is the most attention their baby has received from them since it was born. And Snow was so adamant on having a normal life at the beginning of this season and this is the closest thing to normal she has experienced since the curse broke. She wakes up, goes to work, spends some time with her baby, and that's that. Of course she doesn't get to spend waking time with her hubby, but before they were always separated on missions anyway. Well sometimes they went together but whatever. I guess I'm just glad that the Charmings aren't running around being stupid and complicating situations because they do that sometimes. 

Emma and Regina were together in the mirror place and it was awesome. They needed some alone time, it's been too long. They weren't really able to do much, but I still enjoyed it. They really just had to rely on Henry this week, and thankfully he delivered. It says a lot for the teenager too because he had a date or dance or something to go to with Violet and he managed to put his mother's first. Cool, Henry. 

The evil queen is still insistent that she is Henry's mother as much as anyone and she tried to win him over once again. Once Henry figured out that Regina and Emma were stuck in a mirror, he made his way to Regina's underground magic bunker to try to figure out how to save them. The evil queen finds him there and gives him an ultimatum. He can let his mothers die, or he can smash the dragon's heart (the evil queen had put him in the mirror world a couple seasons ago) and save them. The dragon is being controlled by the evil queen so killing him would be to kill an innocent and Henry wants to find another way. He takes the magic hammer and smashes the mirror instead, saving his moms. 

The evil queen was disappointed with Henry's decision and if I remember correctly she poofed out of the bunker almost immediately. Most of this season Evil Queen has split her time between attempting to win over Henry and having sexy time with Rumple. That happened in this episode too. Ugh. It's still weird and always will be. Rumple is still kind of responding to it too. Rumple is actually really awful this season compared to his regular amounts of awful he is other seasons. I'm pretty sure Belle is fully aware of the extent of the Evil Queen/Rumple relationship and that's probably why she seems to have given up on him completely. She reached out to Zelena this week for help escaping her husband. 

Belle has a grand idea to recruit Aladdin to steal a wand that Zelena can use to open up a portal for Belle so she can escape Rumple. They get the wand but Rumple knows and he shows up just in time to stop Zelena from opening any kind of portal and he puts some cuffs on Belle so she can't hide from him. Awful. At this point I feel so sorry for Belle. She is in a terrifying relationship and no one can seem to help. 

That's really all I care to discuss/remember about this past episode. No OUAT this week, though, so I'll wait patiently for Changelings to come on November 27th. I hope some things begin to end at that point. Aladdin and Jasmine should really be wrapped up because they are barely relevant anyway. I'm kind of tired of Emma's tremors too. I want to see some progress made there. Maybe it will come soon! 

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